15 years ago I had a large Squamous tumor on my chest and 4 basil on my face - Doc cut everything away and gave me Aldara cream - which almost killed me - Mohns surgery was scheduled for my face and after doc told me I might lose left side of nose and not sure about my lip and eye - I cancelled and went the route of using Black Salve , which produced huge Eschars - I made the mistake of treating all areas at once and the pain and discomfort was a 10. I had a weeping huge hole in my upper chest and smaller sores on my face. Well them Eschars formed and after about a month they just fell off and the areas had filled in with new pink skin. The black salve was obtained from a lab producing the non burning salve located in the rain forest - their lab was stormed by FDA jack booted thugs and was shut down with the owner jailed in the US and all assets seized. I learned about a common weed called Petty Spurge , which is very popular in the UK as a skin cancer cream - Petty Spurge is an amazing skin cancer remover and only reacts if the area where it is applied has any cancer. I have used it for years and once you grow it , it will self seed everywhere, I have removed it by the wheelbarrow from our landscape beds - which I hate doing as I know the benefits of this awesome herb/weed. The Pony Paste and Dewormer maybe the way to go if cancer is on the inside , but one must keep a super healthy gut which is the main defense against any disease - even if you where misinformed and took that dam jab

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I have a feeling I’ll be using the hubs as an experiment again lol! He had skin cancer removed from the tops of his ears again and is a bit cranky about the bill he received for the treatment.

He is a roofer so spends much time outside.

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Ben Fen is an excellent source of uncommon wisdom in this mad world of p£harmacopeia!

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A few days ago, someone developed basal cell carcinoma on their nose. I researched this cancer and found it progresses slowly. asked how to treat it with chlorine dioxide, I suggested injecting the chlorine dioxide solution directly into the tumor, as this can quickly kill the entire tumor

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Wow I haven't seen an update pass my feed in so long from Ben Fen. I have to search it out. But this came along today

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I’m 68 & have had 2 major face surgery’s SCC the last had to have a forehead flap done to replace the complete end of my nose. 1st in 2000 the 2nd in 2020. I wish I could figure out where to get the fenben and amount needed to take. Newby here but have heard other stories about the product, by the way have always used it for my dogs buying on amazon. Any help would be appreciated. Not a tech savvy ole’ person. Can be reached @IHNTWBD56 on Substack or rumble

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Thank you and welcome back, Ben.

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Welcome back BEN FEN. Thank you for your substack!

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God bless you for covering this!!! My daughter used Fenben to eliminate a big lump on her lymph node near her breast. A matter of weeks and that thing was GONE. She never had any negative side effects either. She now takes it once a month for maintenance.

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I tried taking ivermectin and it gave me HORRIBLE stomach cramps - so bad I had go to the ER. Is Fenben in the same family? I did take ivermectin on an empty stomach, so perhaps that was the problem. But I do not want to risk that again!

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Ivermectin should be taken with a fatty meal.

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Thanks Melissa. It worked fine for my wife and I usually don't have this type of reaction to things; maybe I'll start with a quarter dose next time. I also now have babesia, a cousin of Lyme. Wonder if Fenben or ivermectin would work for that?.

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Here is one study might be worth looking into.


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I do not know. There are so many knowledgeable people here maybe they can give you some e guidance.

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I think when taking it, it might need to be taken with some kind of Fats......

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Thanks for your reply. Yes, it was very concerning, as it worked fine for my wife and I usually don't have this type of reaction to things.

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I am sorry to hear of your experience. This is the first to hear about this sort of reaction. Probably you had lots of parasites or took a very high dose!

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Thank You Ben Fen!

Will you please comment on this article about FenBen Lab:

FENBENDAZOLE on AMAZON tests 56% pure, not 99% - caution for using Amazon sourced Fenbendazole (Fenben Lab from Lithuania)


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It's like saying don't buy tablets from Taiwan, they'll blow up!

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

The proof is in the pudding as is said.

1. Many of the Case Reports here use FenBen Labs (Lithuania) product to eradicate their cancers. So there's that bit of apriori undeniable evidence that FenBen Labs' products works that is difficult to explain away.

2. Fenbendazole is so cheap it is sold in 50-lb bags for cattle. It is not economically feasible to substitute another inert substance. Fenbendazole is too cheap to bother cutting it with other potentially more costly substances.

3. A similar attack on FenBen Labs was made by Happy Healing a while back. Some unnamed person took it upon themselves to have FenBen Labs analyzed but didn't bother to analyze any other brands. This effort was later to have been determined a fraud when the lab that supposedly did the HPLC analysis did not exist.

4. As an interesting sidenote, there have been several disturbing cases (N=4) reported to us where disappointing results were happening with Happy Healing fenben. Those affected switched brands and eradicated their cancers. Don't know what to say about that other than if one isn't getting the results they expect switching brands might be prudent.

5. We like what Makis is doing with repurposed drugs and cancer overall. However, if this attack on a brand of fenben preceeds his launch of his own fenbendazole product a rat will have been smelt.

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Didn’t claim Makis was launching a product. Just said “IF” he’s trying to profit off of sick people by smearing a competitive product prior to launching his own then he is no better than the scumbag oncologists that sell greatly marked up cancer drugs to their patients.

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Some people can sell anything on the web and disguise it as from the source they want to disparage. They did it with HCQ during the botched pandemic scare, saying that it kills people. I grew up on HCQ living in Africa and IVM which was given to kids at the start of every schooling season.

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Wonderful to see when an old woman do not have to worry and suffer anymore. I like good news like this. Thanks. Hope she takes good care of herself, lives long and put her energy into something good for the future of all our children! If enough of us do that, we might not have to go through the zombie apocalypse. I hope all good people will be able to unify before that happens. God bless you all. Be awesome, at least a little bit, every day! Shine brightly!

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It's usually good to ask or find out if they did anything else? When cancer is first diagnosed, most people will try several new therapies at once, or even change their diet. These would all be good to know for these testimonials.

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She took nothing else - the creams and lotions prescribed for fungal and bacterial infections made the wound much worse.

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Thank you for letting me know. Best

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Barbara O'Neil has said repeatedly that sugar and acidic foods help cancerous tumours grow. So cut back, or avoid altogether, sugar and acidic foods. They are many Barbara O'Neil videos on YouTube and elsewhere.

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I believe lemons are actually alkaline, correct?

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Yes Barbara O'Neil did say that. I did not know that. We live and learn, but not from the mainstream imo. They have proved to be untrustworthy.

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Lemons trigger the release of calcium from your bones in a desperate attempt to balance your PH back to a more alkaline state. Lemons are acidic. The temporary alkaline state induced thereby comes at a cost.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

Excuse my not knowing, but at what cost ?

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The cost of depleting minerals from your bones. A little here and there is not a problem. But chronically eating highly acidic foods can lead to loss of bone density. I have an older sister who ate this way for decades (vegan) and she ended up with VERY brittle bones, breaking one bone after another, and with very little real trauma, like stepping off of a curb. One won't see serious symptoms while still young. But old age will be a nightmare. (She is trying to recover now on a carnivore diet with some good results.)

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Yep, I am aware of her and others. The problem is there are different types of cancers, some of which feeds not just on sugar but on glutamine which is basically present everywhere. Sometimes a long multi day fast is beneficial. Or even really hot saunas, cancer hates high temps and hyperthermia is gaining some traction. Best to you.

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Yes you're right about the fasting, 3 day or 5 day fasting has been recommended by many who know there are alternatives to the Chemo and radiotherapy mainstream money making cancer racket.

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Indeed. That is recommended by Dr William Makis too. A great doctor, in my opinion. I interviewed him about all the dead medical doctors in Canada https://odysee.com/@valsamverkan:3/william-makis-glenn-dormer:d

If it is induced by self-assembling nanotechnology, there might be other things to consider too, I guess:


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What a fantastic read. My father is 88 and he strained himself causing a GI Bleed. Google said his symptoms matched Bowel Cancer. I panicked and purchased the same Fenbendazole from FenBen Labs but it turned out thank god that he didn't have cancer. The FenBen is still sealed just incase any of us get sick. Doctor Makis recently revealed that Fenbendazole from FenBen Labs is only 59 percent pure but it seemed to do a good job knowing that *Smiles*

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The proof is in the pudding as is said.

1. Many or the Case Reports here use FenBen Labs (Lithuania) product to eradicate their cancers. So there's that bit of apriori undeniable evidence that is difficult to explain.

2. Fenbendazole is so cheap it is sold in 50-lb bags for cattle. It is not economically feasible to substitute another inert substance. It is too cheap to bother cutting it with other potentially more costly substances.

3. A similar attack on FenBen Labs was made by Happy Healing a while back. Some unnamed person took it upon themselves to have FenBen Labs analyzed but didn't bother to analyze any other brands. This effort was later to have been determined a fraud when the lab that supposedly did the HPLC analysis did not exist.

4. As an interesting sidenote, there have been several disturbing cases (N=4) reported to us where disappointing results were happening with Happy Healing fenben. Those affected switched brands and eradicated their cancers.

5. We like what Makis is doing overall. However, if this attack on a brand of fenben preceeds his launch of his own fenbendazole product a rat will have been smelt.

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Not sure about the Makis purity test. Hopefully he isn’t coming out with his own fenben product. If he does he’ll lose all credibility.

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Is this drug not recognised or approved for use against cancer? My dad died last year after a very long war against the squamous and basal cell cancers, multiple operations over many years, which eventually spread to his nose and mouth, a very distressing but not painful decline. He was 91 but worked till 88. But for the cancer and neglect during COVID I believe he’d still be here.

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Sorry about your loss. Yes. They poisoned and murdered a lot of people during the plandemic. We call the first maltreatment of the old and sick, with midazolam+morphine, remdesivir and lack of oxygen and lack of basic nutrients, the little mass murder, and the injections we call the big mass murder. Check what they gave him and who might have murdered him! The first mass murder was made to scare the shit out of people, so they would take the clot shots.

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Anyone studying the effects on the microbiome?

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