Good morning

do you think we can add victamin c and sodium bicabornate daily, as in Dr Syed HAIDER's protocol?

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Ben Fen, was this woman taking the protocol DURING chemo?

My wife, though much younger had the same diagnosis and though I’ve tried to stop her, she will start chemo this week. She has been on Tippens protocol since December 2nd. We are slated for chemo once every two weeks for 3 months at Dana Farber.

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Hi Ben, I wished to ask your opinion? Someone I respected and thought of very highly has died from cancer. I wrote a Substack message about her. It contains some useful relaxation at the end of the message which is recorded, and also transcribed. There are many who pray in your group. We are in the middle of a huge planetary crisis which is not only visible on the ground, it is happening at greater levels of our awareness, and not only many humans, animals and nature are suffering but also, souls who have passed. Would I be permitted to share the link to ask for assistance? It is a supportive message and may just help someone on here. However, I am not promoting anything, nor wishing to distract from your valuable work here. I just felt that many may not know that an attack is happening by AI and advanced technology which is deeply harmful to all life. We can easily help when others ask for help. Without this help, things will not get better, only worse. Therefore I am quite concerned...enough to start reaching out to ask for more help. Please let me know how you feel about this. I will not be offended and will not keep imposing. With love and gratitude, Claire (Feel free to delete if you wish).

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Hi Claire. Please email us at fenbendazole77@gmail.com. We like your idea!

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Just wanted to add this link to Joe Tippens Q&A from June 13th of 2023. He just had another Q&A on Jan 10th, 2024 which does not have the video posted to date. This sheds some light on liver issues early in the presentation: https://mycancerstory.rocks/qa-session-june-13-2023/

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Thank you for this case report, it is so helpful! I had a couple questions about the protocol that WM is using: Do you know why he is taking Safeguard in addition to the Fenbendazole because I thought they contained basically the same ingredients? Also, I am wondering how people are getting their Ivermectin, aside from Indian sources? I have purchased from India in the past to have Ivermectin on hand for Covid, but the last time I ordered, my package was seized at the post office by HHS so now I don't know how to obtain. Thank you so much!

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I used ivermectin24h.com and got IVM and mebendazole with no issues.

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Thank you!

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The Greatest Challenge

For Doctors Of Medicine

Is That The “Skill Set”

Required For, And By, Their Training

Is At Total Odds

With The Skills Required

To Navigate - Even An Inch

In A World That Is Leaving Them Behind.

Solution: New Skills

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Some people probably already watched this but just in case. https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Weekly_Webinar_July192023:d

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I’ve read about butter or peanut butter being a good medium to use fenben with. Is olive oil better at elevating serum levels?

And I now have access to menbendazole 100mg. Anyone know of a protocol using it opposed to fenben and what’s the dosage ?

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I'm going to point out something that I haven't seen mentioned here in regards to the safety of Fenbendazole. Many, including Ben Fen, regard Fenbendazole as a practical duplicate of Mebendazole. From the 2019 David Williams article: "A Cure For Cancer, Hidden in Plain Sight". He cites a case where a 67 year old patient with a rare parasitic liver infection took 3,000 mg per day of Mebendazole continuously for 13 years without toxicity issues. Williams later quotes a Johns Hopkins researcher as saying in 2017: "Mebendazole has a 40 year track record of safe use. We already know it is difficult, if not impossible, to reach toxic levels with mebendazole." So if Fenbendazole is really a practical duplicate of Mebendazole, the safety record of Mebendazole should apply to Fenbendazole.

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It does by all present accounts.

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Thanks @Ben Fen for your reply and citing the study. I've read the whole article that I hope that I did not miss anything. The 80-year-old woman's liver function eventually returned to normal after stop taking Fenben. But, there is no further info if she continued on fenben after the incident. Who would dare to risk one's liver function for 2+ months without any scientific proof of Fenben does not damage the liver for good in the process? We truly hoped that Fenbendazole would have worked for my aunt and we were so excited to have tried. But there are at least Six more other alternatives that we have done extensive research on.

I remember saving Dr. Gouf's Xeet.

"Fenben killed my dog, knocked out his liver, didn't know any better in 2019"


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There could be individual differences with respect to any side effect. We're just stating the so far, the reports have not mentioned permanent liver issues. Transient ALT and AST elevations, but not permanent damage.

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Yeah, no kidding. Thank God for that. I've read on X that the liver side effect by Fenben was REVERSIBLE. We have met a compassionate and experienced lady on Fenben on X recently. She is taking exactly the same brand of Fenbendozle as what my aunt was on along with Tudca or Milk thistle that counters the liver side effect successfully per her testing results. What a great news she was sharing with us late last year!

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We are dealing with this as well. May start 2mg/kg ivermectin soon but we’re trying to retrieve eggs right now before any treatment


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Good luck and God bless.

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Thank you

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I the liver damage is likely caused by other actors? This blog has some follow-up related to this. Not certain where I read the information though.

I've been on the protocol since I started treatments and blood work was done almost weekly for the first 6 weeks. No elevated liver issues detected for me, but I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt's issues.

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That's great for him. But Joe Tippens's protocol is not for everyone. Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are known to be harsh on the livers. What did they do to counter the liver side effect??? My aunt tried human versioned Fenbendazole for Five weeks (4 days on and 3 days off to counter the liver side effect since she can't take Tudca nor Milk thistle that some people used), her liver enzymes (AST and ALT) were elevated! Her AST and ALT were dramatically lowered After she stopped taking Fenben for Two week and AST and ALT continue to improve and ALT is already in the normal range as of two days ago. My aunt never had any liver issues and her live panel had always been normal until taking Fenbendozole. Thus, after extensive research, we've found numerous alternatives to Kemo to her stage 2 ovarian cancer. Will try one of them next week.

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Ben Fen

Nov 7, 2023


We addressed this issue recently. Does Fenbendazole Cause Liver Damage?

Some have expressed concern that fenbendazole has been linked to liver injury. There is a report documenting the effect of fenbendazole on liver function as measured by the enzymes aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). A search using Google of “fenbendazole and cancer” returns this case report as the first result: Teppei Yamaguchi, Junichi Shimizu, Yuko Oya, Yoshitsugu Horio, Toyoaki Hida. Drug-Induced Liver Injury in a Patient with Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer after the Self-Administration of Fenbendazole Based on Social Media Information. Case Rep Oncol 1 September 2021; 14 (2): 886–891. https://doi.org/10.1159/000516276

Elevated liver enzymes may actually be a good sign for a cancer patient taking fenbendazole. Those liver enzyme (AST, ALT) values may spike for one or two months as the liver is stressed by the influx of dead cancer cells as it filters and processes the cellular debris from those dead cancer cells. AST and ALT increasing is a sign of hepatic stress (work), not necessarily disease, in the context of fenbendazole use. These liver enzymes usually normalize after the cancer is eradicated by fenbendazole.

FYI, liver enzymes will also fluctuate with other noncancerous sicknesses/recoveries as dead cellular debris enters the bloodstream and is processed by the liver for removal. This is part of a normal physiological process. Temporary liver enzyme fluctuation should be expected to occur as a matter of course when using fenbendazole as fenbendazole kills the cancer cells.

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Jan 7, 2024
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Thanks for the "Clinical Overview: The Addition of Curcumin to Standard Ovarian Cancer Chemotherapy". Curcumin that is a compound in turmeric, that she is allergic to all those spices. My aunt refuses to be pushed into KEMO which kills the healthy cells while killing the cancerous cells, weakening one's immune system, cause other organ life long issues, or worse could cause patients more cancers in the painful ordeal. A friend of friend took 12 rounds of Kemo and she can't stand up on her own now, this is just the tip of iceberg, no space to include all here.

Hmmm, I just wonder how come cancer has no cure after many decades of "research"?


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Brilliant results so far. I really appreciate the extent of the questioning to help us all digest dosage etc. May WM go from strength to strength. My husband survived stage four liver, spleen, all lower organs. He listened to his inner guidance. Hope, Trust, and Faith are powerful healing frequencies. Never give up. Trust your inner resolve. Use whatever method feels right for you at the time — conventional or otherwise. I truly believe that listening to our bodies and hearts directs us forward. May healing begin in earnest for WM, and may all heal on here who are suffering. Thank you, Ben!

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Kudos and congratulations to WM, fenben and Ben Fen! Thank you ❤️🙏🏻

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Love love love. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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