A friend was diagnosed with primary lymphoma of the brain. Operated immediately and removed 80%, was ok at this point but then decided (per doctor recommendation) to do the dreaded chemo to remove the other 20% however did start on fenben/ivermecting. Unfortunately passed away within 30 days (first course of chemo) not due to fenben but due to the chemotherapy that caused immune system to collapse and got sepsis. Passed away about a week after the first chemo while in icu. All of this thanks to the fabulous vaccines, imo.

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Sorry for your loss. You’re absolutely correct; chemotherapy is a much more efficient killer than cancer! If chemo doesn’t kill you by destroying the immune system, it will get you by causing cachexia…a nasty syndrome where the person stops eating and starves to death.

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One thing I haven't been able to find is information about dosage... or a range for dosing. Anyone know something about that?


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The Case Reports present various dosing options. Select one that best fits your situation.

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Wow. Stumbled upon your Substack after falling down a very deep rabbit hole starting with MK Ultra. Man am I glad. A question though - some preliminary research suggests fenben is very hard on the liver and kidneys and can cause liver failure. Know of any truth to this?

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I don’t think so.

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Now, what about PROSTATE cancer, the comparable cancer killer of men? Will Fenben help men with prostate cancer?

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Prostate cancer eradicated by fenbendazole https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/case-report-metastatic-prostatic

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Thank you.

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Many Thanks Ben. Great post.

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I posted this one before. I just reformatted today, to make it more clear. Here an 84 year old woman cleared up her breast cancer with Fenbendazole and vitamin D3. Just these two items.


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Note this comment from the article:

"Most of the cases involved spread to other organs (metastatic). Why this is important…suggests there is a common vulnerability in the cancer cell that is independent of where the tumor is located."


When I asked an oncologist why there has been ZERO improvement in outcomes for lung cancer in over half a century (my dad died from it in 1969) I was told something along the lines of the following:

"Well, you know there are hundreds of different cancers, and they're all going to need researching individually, so if we can just get the general public to give us a few more hundred trillion dollars we might get there in a couple of millennia."

(Yes, I exaggerate, but not by much.)

Even then, this struck me as absurd. It seemed obvious that there might be COMMON METABOLIC PROPERTIES amongst ALL cancers, which could be targeted to provide effective treatments across the board. I believe that this approach has been DELIBERATELY avoided, as the model of "hundreds of different cancers each requiring the development of a specific "miracle" patentable pharma drug", is the model that keeps ENDLESS MONEY flowing in.

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Note this comment from the article:

"She decided against all traditional treatments (chemo/radiation) and was sent home to hospice care."

Note carefully how Rockerfeller Medicine and its media puppets, have brainwashed the public into thinking that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are TRADITIONAL treatments! There is no "tradition" here - foods, fasting, spices and herbs - THESE are traditional treatments! I prefer to call chemo and radiotherapy CONVENTIONAL treatments or possibly CORPORATE treatments.

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Any word on Fenben helping men with prostate cancer?

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Water only fast for 21 days

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I’ll be starting FB Tuesday night after my blood draw for a baseline CA 27-29 test. If those numbers come back low (I believe under 38? means no spread) I’ll do the 222mg for 3 days then off for 4 days. If it’s higher, I’ll cry, and then dose daily. If it’s super high, I’ll do twice/day. Regardless I’ll retest the CA 27-29 in six months and reassess.

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My mom just tested positive. Is it 3 days on 4 off? What’s the protocol?

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Can you shed any light on what Fenben is naturally derived from? Any foods containing? I don't do pills these days, just whole foods. thanks

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It’s actually an antiparasite medication developed in the early 1960s.

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Most things are derivatives or concentrations of natural things. I understand IVM to be derived from naturally occurring soil elements, so it is no suprise that Nattokinase does some of the same things as IVM. re fenben, I am just wondering what the source is, and whether I can get it from any foods or plants. thanks

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Saving innocent human life by sharing potentially helpful information like this in an era of censorship and state/medical/media/industry sanctioned lies and malice is a remarkable act of love.

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Jul 10, 2023Edited
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Yes, because there are no financial interests associated with this Substack…not even subscriptions, there might be some hope left somewhere.

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