Chris Wark/Chris Beat Cancer does not recommend this drug. It shrinks rumors, but can cause metastasis. There were comments from group members who attested to tumor growth.

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What drug?

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I have just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer that has sloughed cells off already (with nothing but microscopic detection after pathology found cancer cells in the peritinium wash that was done as exploratory surgery) NO tumors, no symptoms and initally the surgeon gave me the all clear saying my tissues looked "pristine." But indeed I have at least stage two fast growing microscopic cancer. I have been taking Fenben between 150- 450mg a day for months and months and Ivermecin. It has so far not seemed to help.

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Check posts by dr Makis on Substack https://makismd.substack.com

He recently posted dosing protocol. He also stressed you have to be in ketosis for that protocol to help. Nutrition is critical.

I also read study on pubmed that fenben protocol is more effective when certain supplements are taken together B, D, K, E, A

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email us at myfenbendazole@proton.me

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Can someone help me? I was to to start chemo but 5FU I just can’t where who can help me

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My brother has polycythemia Vera. It is considered a chronic blood cancer. Bone marrow makes too many red blood cells. His oncologist has him on a management medicine and blood thinner (Plavix). He is growing sicker and sicker. He gets regular blood lettings (to reduce the cell count). He has no energy and is sick all the time prohibiting movement. He is only 55. Can anyone give me advice regarding the use of IVM and Fenbendazole? Will it be effective against blood cancers? I’m guessing his iron is also too high. He’s also battled diabetic tendencies because of weight gain. I think he take’s Berberine but not sure how regularly. I’m going with him to the oncologist soon and am determined to advocate to get him healthy. Thanks for any helpful advice!!

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So there could be a difference between fenbendazole and ivermectin regarding the cancers they treat. Just a theory. Broadly speaking, Fenben treats solid tissue based parasites while ivermectin treats blood borne parasites. Perhaps ivermectin would be more likely to help with blood cancers? Also the only way to reduce iron quickly is by blood letting (giving blood)…which is why men should not supplement with iron. So he is probably doesn’t have the iron issue, just a thought.

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Links to fenben products https://fenbenlab.com/

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There are some protocols here https://makismd.substack.com/p/fenbendazole-and-cancer-at-least - this is posted by a Canadian doctor who is oncologist and immunologist, maybe try to comment and perhaps he can reply to your question? Good luck and God Bless.

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Would fenben be appropriate for a cancer patient who is type 1 diabetic, currently awaiting surgery.

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I would to subscribe to your product but when I go in one area says about my horses if the medicine is for me please get back to me my phone number is 818-653-4324

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Thank you. My sense is that awareness of this important stuff is growing, and that a treatment picture is coalescing. One other blog where that's happening is "veryvirology" here on Substack. One thing that seems to be missing is recommendations for a prophylactic routine. IIRC Joe Tippens continues to take one satchel of Panacur daily, which should be about 220mg fenbendazole. Is this a reasonable place to start for people who don't have cancer and want to make sure it stays that way?

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On the one hand there is the wisdom inherent in taking medicine you don't need. And on the other is taking medicine that will prevent something like cancer. The conceptual issue with prevention is the logical issue of proving a negative. That is, if you never get cancer after taking fenben it is impossible to determine that fenben caused you not to get cancer. Having said that, some of the animal studies cited here DEFINITELY prove that fenbendazole PREVENTS cancer. In fact, the initial observation was that prior veterinary deworming treatment with fenben prevented the experimental brain tumor grafts from taking root, That is prevention.

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Regarding a protocol. My wife and I, with no concerning risk factors do the following: once every 3 months we take 222 mg fenbendazole along with a tablespoon of olive oil for 3 consecutive days. A reasonable preventative protocol could be developed that took into account risk factors and weighted the aggressiveness of fenbendazole administration based on those risk factors. Because the safety profile is so great and the cost of fenbendazole is so low, and the cost of developing cancer is catastrophic, there really are very few reasons not to adopt some sort of preventative program.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Thank you for this practical regimen. Trip report: I seem to have survived my first 3-day tranche of underground dog medicine.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Best of luck!

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I suspect some - most? - of the inefficacy relates to cancer stem cells or refractory cells that these chemicals do not deal with as your posts have described.

Shameful if google/YouTubedecides it can play the role of the “learned intermediary.

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I sometimes think they want to kill their patients. Not only do they give them garbage at $30,000+ a course but they also push a highly oncogenic experimental mRNA jab at them and p53 depleting corticosteroids.

Medieval physicians at least knew what herbal preps worked for many conditions. Clownworld, seriously 🤡

Therapeutics and repurposed drugs for the treatment of cancer

Selected research papers


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Kill their patients but not until they have made a lot, an awful lot, of money. Pharmaceuticals are the biggest scam out, including vaccines of course.

I was given immuno-therapy in 2020 until I worked out what was really wrong in Sept that year. This was the original cause of my facial palsy. I believe the therapy upset my thyroid levels. What I think about the ignorant NHS doctors is unrepeatable here.


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There are a few oncologists that at least whisper to patients to avoid the jab. My cousin's wife is three years out on breast cancer, and is unvaxxed because of a quiet comment from her oncologist.

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I think Big Pharma considers us akin to farm animals to be exploited as much as possible for maximum return.

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Indeed so. I wrote this for vaccines but in reality one could say 'Cancer industry in a nutshell' too.


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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Sad truth indeed. . . No business can stay in business if there are no profits to be made. . .

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But then, there are profits and there are PROFITS.

If the aim is to make as much money as possible regardless the human cost, why not? Everything seems in place to proceed without a care in the world... Sad truth indeed...

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I recently read another paper about how mammograms are not helpful and over done.

They found worse outcomes in those that get the mammograms.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is because after a detection, they start the woman on chemo, radiation, etc which cause other issues which compound the body's ability to heal.

There was another interesting thing I heard this week on Adam Conover's show.

On the day of a cardiology convention, many hospitals have much less cardiologists than normal.

It turned out that getting a heart attack on that day resulted in Better! outcomes!

Over treatment is the issue with allopathic medicine that still doesn't really understand the immune system or why we get cancer. (They ignore the elephant in the room, toxins!)

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Quite so. Someone said to me in a comment to avoid cancer don't get checked for it! I think they have a point. Big pharma will make any excuse to get its poisons into us for a profit.

If I haven't said before, I was diagnosed with a cancer at start of 2020. Only one lab report so no second opinion. I had to push to get a copy. It did not say the type of cancer proven yet the idiot oncologists wrote and said it was.

I had in fact been poisoned by sodium nitrite (E250) in bacon I ate.


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There was a paper in NEJM in Jan of 2020 showing an INCREASE in breast cancer with mammography as recommended compared to those who get fewer mammograms. (I didn't download it. I wish I had.) The author was fired from his institution (Salpetriere) over this. I can no longer find the paper. I suspect it's been pulled.

And, of course, within weeks we were all focused on THE VIRUS™.

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At what point is regular, repeated mammography (radiation) a risk factor for the development of breast cancer?

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I am 70 years old, 71 in a few months. My first baseline ‘mammography’ was when I was 33. (Due to a BS ‘Family History connection’ of a maternal great grandmother & grandmother being diagnosed with BC. Ironically it was not the COD for either of them. They dies from congestive heart failure respectively at 86 and 93, as did my own mother at 89.)

I got them at intervals, not necessarily ‘regularly’ as I never had health insurance. During during Breast Cancer Month, $50 Mammograms were offered and I got those on occasion. The most recent mammogram I had was over ten years ago.

When I turned 65 and became eligible for Medicare and Supplemental Medicare Health Insurance, the PCP’s started in on me to get a mammogram. I told them flat out that I wasn’t getting any more mammograms. Nor was I going to get another colonoscopy. (One was enough for me...they are the worst. I’d rather go get a colonic cleaning than do that again!)

Nor bone density scams. None of these ‘diagnostic’ testing that used radiation in its scanning process. I’m done.

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Gotta be some reason the dentists will cover that region up with a lead apron during dental x-rays.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

I am currently dealing with acute lymphoblastic leukemia that came back after 2 million dollars worth of treatment failed to keep it away. I had CAR T therapy which expired in January, the cells engineered to kill my cancer died off. I just learned this from a second opinion a few weeks ago. In spite of this, I stayed in remission until June, I took Fenben in April for 3 weeks, nothing else, and had super high ferritin without any trace of leukemia. At that time I wasn’t sure if it was the fenben or my original treatment keeping me in remission so I stopped. In June, a tiny amount of leukemia was detected, but this is a fast growing disease and once it starts up you have to hit it. I believe I have put the pieces together and I have reason to believe fenben killed my cancer off in April, as I happened to be on it the very day that biopsy was taken. As of about 3 weeks ago, I’ve been on ivermectin, and the 3 days a week of panacur, but as of last week I’ve been using escalating doses of fenben every day, this time Fenben Bio from happy healing. My next biopsy is very soon and I’ll have results within a week. I made a mistake taking the J&J shot, and I know for damn sure that’s what made a 22 year old guy who played rugby at the time get a rare and aggressive form of leukemia with poor prognosis mutations out of nowhere. I’ll keep you posted with the final results. I pray to the Lord that these anti helminthics are the key out of medical hell for me and many others.

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E. Moss, I don't want to detract from fenben, but I would like to add research into Prof. Seyfried PhD and the metabolic keto diet; also, the info. about high-dose melatonin, 180mg a day might be helpful.

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I agree. Thomas Seyfried’s work on the metabolic theory of cancer is excellent. There are some great interviews of him on YouTube. To put it simplistically ‘sugar feeds cancer’. Seyfried consulted with a fellow with glioblastoma who did not want to do chemo. Following Seyfried’s guidance and a ketogenic diet this man is alive 9 yrs later!! This is true of all cancers. Keto is the way to go!

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As much as I hate to say so, look at metformin (unless you do keto). Several urologist here using for prostate cancer.

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Worth looking at laetrile, essentially apricot kernels although there are many other things similarly acting.

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We'll know how good Fenb is when the word spreads and they'll tell

us that is is literally a killer drug, will ban it and censor everything other

than "approved" data about it.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

True. If there was a War on Ivermectin over its role in covid, imagine what will happen to fenbendazole when its effects on cancer are widely known.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

We're praying for you. 🙏🤞🙏

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Keep up the good work E.Moss. Regarding the covid shots, that's what got us into learning about fenbendazole: TurboCancer from two Moderna mRNA shots. Keep us posted and best of luck.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Unfortunately, it did not work, but I qualify for a second CAR T infusion which I hope will last. I hope others have better luck.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

I’m glad these researchers came out and said it. Pharma types love to boast about how “advanced” these targeted drugs are and I never understood it because it doesn’t really matter how hard they are to make if they just give you a week of survival and they don’t even do that if they aren’t used in tandem with the litany of other chemo.

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The miracle drugs they tout are legends in their own minds.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

We purchased the pricey Fenben Lab version of fenbendazole, but after watching the video of Joe Tippens tell his personal story, maybe the more cost effective product is Panacur from the local feed and seed.

The goats are due for a deworming next month anyway, so none would be wasted. 👍🏼

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From what I’ve heard either panacur/safe guard of happy healing store is the best bet, but the good thing about vet meds is you can get lots of them.

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Like we've said many times before, the brand of fenbendazole doesn't seem to matter as success in eradicating cancer with all major brands has been reported in the Case Reports here.

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I started archiving everything. I should really print everything off and put them in a trapper keeper.

Fenben Substack article archive

- https://archive.is/09YI1

Cancer Drugs studied in Chauca Strand et al., (2023) and their intended uses

- https://archive.is/9DKCc

The Verge

- https://archive.is/WW2aw

Chauca Strand, G., Johansson, N., Jakobsson, N. et al. Cancer Drugs Reimbursed with Limited Evidence on Overall Survival and Quality of Life: Do Follow-Up Studies Confirm Patient Benefits?. Clinical Drug Investigation (2023)

- https://archive.is/48B1Y

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Excellent idea since things mysteriously disappear from the internet more often these days.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

I’ve been “paper printing” articles like this for ages. Always good to have a tactile copy.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

I am taking 1/4 dose of selpercatinib "Retevmo" from Eli Lilly. It has kept my NSCLC (RET CCDC6 fusion partner mutation) in remission for two years. Full and half doses were toxic, but the 1/4 dose is tolerable and effective. I'm in my mid 80's. If it stops working, I will try fen ben.

I have a friend with metastatic melanoma. Chemos not working. I lfet a message about fen ben, but never got a call back. Very sad and frustrating. Willing to die rather than try something else.

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deletedAug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen
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FenLab . Sorry I can’t get the link. I got it on Amazon .

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deletedAug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen
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If you buy directly from the company, they send a 10$ coupon for the next purchase. I used Amazon because of free shipping. I don’t take it every day.

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deletedAug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen
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I started it after “ shedding “ problems.( bleeding in menopause) .

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& i haven’t tried the brands mentioned in the stack.

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deletedAug 21, 2023Liked by Ben Fen
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