I don’t know how I missed this. Wow.

The salesman has moved on but I still connect with him occasionally. As of a few months ago the mother was doing great. I will reach out to him tonight and see if he can add more. Another coworker had been to the house recently (he was with me when we first met her) and he was amazed at how well she looked. It actually made me cry hearing that. When I had met her, she had the look. Anyone who’s had someone with advanced cancer knows what I mean. Pale skin, sunken eyes and gaunt. Your Substack and stories like this that I’ve personally witnessed have given me great hope for my wife’s recently diagnosed cancer.

I don’t recall how I found your Stack but it was incredibly serendipitous. Little did I know that in a few short months, we’d also be dealing with cancer. I know this woman was still getting chemo when I passed on your stack information to my salesman. After much reading from you and other sources, I believe it must have worked synergistically with her chemo.

I’ve one regret though. Jan 1st my grandmother passed of cancer. She was 94 and passed at home surrounded by all of her family after a 8 week battle. She’d never been sick in her life till my aunts convinced her to get the Covid injections and booster. I had pushed for fenben and IVM, Joe Tippens or even RSO but to no avail. I live in the Boston area. Since Covid, medicine has become political and anything beyond what is an “approved” method is boiled down to tin foil hat beliefs.

Thankfully my wife is on board 100%. We will be taking IVM after her next egg retrieval (we’re pretty young and still want kids).

I’ve shared your stack with as many people as I can. Even at Dana Farbers waiting room. I know many folks have joined from my shares and it brings me tremendous joy that people are seeing an alternative to the standard of care that might save their life or the collective life they live with a loved one.

Thank you again Ben Fen.

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Is fenbedazole only effective in tumor producing cancers? Any information regarding leukemia?

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Hi - my Mother in Law just had her breasts removed. They discovered the cancer in a lymph node test AFTER this surgery. What in the heck? Can anyone advise the treatment for her to really hit it hard? Or, is it always just 222 mg/day with oil (or similar) - but for how many days? Can anyone please advise? We want to make it easy for her. We would greatly appreciate if you could share ideas or provide links. THANK YOU.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Thank you so much for the information. I am sending in on to my brother and hopefully he will read it with an open mind.

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I'm.in canada how do I access this protocol.asapni have a friend who needs it

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Not on Amazon.ca anymore. Guess the powers that be are cracking down? Different kinds on Amazon.com but not sure about it.

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Dear Questioning ~ THANK YOU for your timely response. This is most helpful. And thank you for your offer of assistance, if I have other questions. Best wishes for your family member's full recovery!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Here is what we decided to implement based on the articles we studied.

Fenbendazole 222mg one PO QD

Quercetin 250mg one PO BID

Boswellia 350mg one PO BID

Curcumin 1000mg one PO BID

Berberine 1000mg one-two PO after meals

Stress B Complex one PO QD

Liver Cleanse one PO QD to protect against possible elevated liver enzymes from the Fenbendazole

He is going to utilize this regimen for the next 3 months. At that time he will be six months out from diagnosis and will be re-scanned for possible disease spread since he opted not to have chemotherapy. I will update here if he has any side affects or adverse events during the 3 months of utilizing this regimen.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Has anybody ever tried and had success with a brain tumor?

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Where would you find a licensed medical provider that would prescribe this medication for a newly diagnosed cancer patient. The patient is not interested in chemotherapy.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

I can’t think of a more appropriate place to post this question, so I will do it here in hopes of it being read.

Cancer cells (according to my, admittedly, cursory reading, thus far, as I am new to this situation) also utilize glutamine in addition to glucose. Does Fenbendazole also limit the cells access to the amino acid, or only glucose? If it’s the latter, does Fenbendazole work by simply reducing the cancer cell’s access to nutrition, as opposed to blocking it? Are there any substances that can limit a cell’s access to glutamine?

Relatedly, do you recommend nutritional strategies such as Seyfried’s low- calorie keto diet to enhance the effect of Fenbendazole?

I would be very grateful for any thoughts, even speculative ones, on the questions.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Thank for this wonderful service to your fellow humans. Is this an appropriate products? Bendazole Lab | Fen Powder | 99% Pure | Fen 100G (3.52oz) | Includes Scoop & Analysis Report | 450 Scoops at 222mg Each https://a.co/d/ifHmRld

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I have read a substack of someone who seems to know a lot about the bad side of ivermectin, that ivermectin is riddled with graphene oxide as well and some other things. If you want, i can look up the substack. It was kind of depressing to read for asmeone believing in ivy.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Why does fenben help for cancer and parasites? Is their link between the 2? I have heard parasites can cause cancer as well.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

Where can I find dosages for IVM and fenbendazole

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Ben Fen

So, I have a big question, anyone know the answer?

How long do the sources suggest taking FenBen for during/after cancer?

I have been combining conventional treatment with the Ivermectin/FenBen combo. My tumour has completely resolved but my conventional treatment still requires surgery/RT (which I will have). My big concern is recurrence, is there any work out there that gives a time schedule for continuing treatment?

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