Fenbendazole enhances the anti-cancer effects of many traditional therapies, and appears effective - as a single, stand-alone agent - against cancer stem cells
My brother has liver cancer and has been told Fenben is hard on the liver and that he can’t take it. Can anyone confirm or deny whether fenben has helped liver cancer
How about “I looked at the typical resources and didn’t find anything regarding Is Fenben safe for organ transplant recipients taking Tacrolimus for anti rejection? Has anyone else had any experience with fenben and organ anti-rejection drugs?” This way the group doesn’t chase its tail covering the same trail. Just a suggestion🤓
You wrote :"The dosage of mebendazole tested in many experimental models are in the range of 25–100 mg/kg daily, which correspond to 2.03–8.13 mg/kg (142–569 mg daily for a person weighing 70 kg), which is well below the currently approved dosages for anti-parasite therapy (Guerini et al. 2019)."
You didn't include the clause about adjustment to human equivalent dose using surface area which is the only way that the math works. Here is Guerini's actual statement:
"Activity in vivo was tested in many murine models at oral dosages in the range of 25–100 mg/kg daily, that when converted in human equivalent doses based on body surface area [72] correspond to 2.03–8.13 mg/kg (142–569 mg daily for a patient weighting 70 kg), which is well below the currently approved dosages for anthelmintic therapy. "
Hello, does anyone know if it is okay to use fenbendazole while getting BCG treatments for bladder cancer? BCG treatments are considered immunotherapy. My husband just got his second cystoscopy checkup and no sign of cancer regrowth. They want to give him a 3 week, once per week, maintenance of BCG starting next week. He is on his 2nd week of using fenbendazole and I want to make sure it is okay to continue taking it while he gets his BCG treatments. Thank you!
I've been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. Because of my low income (age pension) I was put on the free but overworked institutional medical system, which paid for my first Lupron 6 monthly shot, The second is due in a few days. During the first 6 months I've been self-medicating with ivermectin and Turkeytail (Paul Stamets). I've recently been scheduled to get 5 session/70 gray radiotherapy by the end of October. My fenbendazole order should arrive today or tomorrow (500mm), so I'll be starting that by the end of traditional treatment. I'll let you know how it goes.
Took my first dose today (between sessions 2 and 3 of radiotherapy) in my "Sh*t happens in Darwin" shot glass (which goes wherever I go). The brand here is Lombrimic 10% FZ, so I took 2 .5 ml each of it and olive oil.
Getting over the ray gun approach. Thought I'd go two bob each way, especially since the raygun approach was free. Recovery was over 2-3 weeks of constipation indistinguishable from torture, but have got the Tippen's protocol sorted, 3 days/week fen-ben (5 ml) and cannabidiol gummies.
Week 9 of fen-ben dewormer treatment and I got my PSA. It went from 129 last April to 4.62 after after first anti-testosterone shot. Had the X ray treatment in October and recovery for 2 months was indistinguishable from torture. My radiographer says he want to see it below 1.0, preferably around 0.8, when I see him in 4 weeks. It's 0.06, 13 times better than he was aiming for.
Saw my supervising doctor today (in the free hospital system). He was non-committal about my very low PSA test result, saying it looks "very favorable", but he said the expected - we have to monitor my situation to see that it does not rise, and scheduled my next PSA test for April, when my next hormone shot is due. I have the chance to quiz my radiologist Feb 19 as to whether my 0.06 PSA result was unusually low - he's the one who said his target was "less than 1.0, 0.8 even better". I'm not sure how long I need to keep the Tippens Protocol up but I think I'' go the next 3 months and take the following 6 months period as the period to see itf it rises. I think once into very positive territory for say 6 months I could stop and see what happens, and resort to the dog dewormer to nip it in the bud, then follow the same procedure once I quit the hormones, say October, assuming nothing unplanned occurs beforehand.
Saw my radiotherapist the other day (Feb 19). He said on my numbers I am for all intents and purposes cancer free. Mind you recovery from radiotherapy is a bit harrowing - it is a physical injury - 4 weeks of constipation indistinguishable from torture, followed by a week of urinary flow scarcely exceeding zero. Improvement since then has been gradual, but I've not recovered my former strength, which I attribute to the hormone therapy, which he suggests be sustained for a further year (2 more 6 monthly shots). Sustained healthy diet and exercise (the latter harder to do) seem called for, and as previously stated, I'll use it to monitor PSA and reverse it by resuming Tippins protocol (to prove conclusively to my own mind that it is effective).
I’ll try and make this short. In 2018 my husband was diagnosed with Liver Cancer, biopsy confirmed. A friend of mine who is a doctor told me to get Fenbendazole and I did. We gave my husband the recommended dosage and when he went in for his pre-operation bloodwork several days later he got a call telling him they no longer need to do surgery and come in to see him again because his cancer markers were gone. When he went back to discuss the doctors findings, they told my husband he no longer had cancer and was cancer free. Of course they didn’t want to believe it was from the Fenbendazole and went on to say, the biopsy must have been wrong. But we all know it was the Fenbendazole that saved my husbands life.
That’s a great story! Yes, the oncologists will not believe that fenben eradicated the cancer. They make up some lame excuse like the biopsy must have been wrong. So they would have treated your husband for cancer he didn’t have…according to their logic. Some doctors are truly 🤡’s in white coats.
Thanks again, Andy. Such a big and evil industry--the Cancer Racket. G. Edward Griffin wrote a book about it. Ellen Brown also has a useful study of Forbidden Medicines. Keep on, Andy!
I have run across several more natural cures that I would try before using chemo or radiation. It does not make sense to me to use cancer drugs to kill all the cells, including good ones therefore leaving your immune system extremely susceptible to disease. Heck, if you want to go that route, they have mRNA poisons to do the trick.
Yes. Fenbendazole eradicates the cancer cell, does not appear to matter as to what “caused” the cancer. So cancers caused by mutagenic environmental effects (smoking, obesity) and cancers caused by oncogene failures (p53, ATM, KRAS etc) are equally eradicated by fenbendazole, it deals with the end product (cancer) not the cause along the pathway leading to the cancer. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30862488/ This article from 2018 demonstrates fenbendazole’s effectiveness in eradicating pancreatic, NSCLC and colon cancer caused by the KRAS mechanism
- The protocol that cured Joe Tippens in 2017 (January) and many others since, was the CANINE MEDICINE - “ PANACUR “ - 3 DAYS ON / 4 DAYS OFF - REPEAT - UNTIL CLEAR
- He updated it in OCT 2020 to 7 days a week - but that is NOT what cured him.
I did an internet search based on your username's words alone and found five peer reviewed studies showing that this probably works. Very grateful you're getting the word out!
I am more likely to describe this as Luke's lazermissile going down the ventilator shaft of the beta subunit of the Death Star tubulin considering my usual company
Does anybody have experience with pancreas cancer an Fenbendazole treatment?
What especialy interests me is the dayli dosage.
Thanks for your answer
Regards Rudolf
My brother has liver cancer and has been told Fenben is hard on the liver and that he can’t take it. Can anyone confirm or deny whether fenben has helped liver cancer
Is Fenben safe for organ transplant recipients taking Tacrolimus for anti rejection?
How about doing your own research?
You shouldn’t assume I didn’t. I actually did and couldn’t find anything
How about “I looked at the typical resources and didn’t find anything regarding Is Fenben safe for organ transplant recipients taking Tacrolimus for anti rejection? Has anyone else had any experience with fenben and organ anti-rejection drugs?” This way the group doesn’t chase its tail covering the same trail. Just a suggestion🤓
You wrote :"The dosage of mebendazole tested in many experimental models are in the range of 25–100 mg/kg daily, which correspond to 2.03–8.13 mg/kg (142–569 mg daily for a person weighing 70 kg), which is well below the currently approved dosages for anti-parasite therapy (Guerini et al. 2019)."
You didn't include the clause about adjustment to human equivalent dose using surface area which is the only way that the math works. Here is Guerini's actual statement:
"Activity in vivo was tested in many murine models at oral dosages in the range of 25–100 mg/kg daily, that when converted in human equivalent doses based on body surface area [72] correspond to 2.03–8.13 mg/kg (142–569 mg daily for a patient weighting 70 kg), which is well below the currently approved dosages for anthelmintic therapy. "
Great article!!!
Thanks Larry!
You're quite welcome.
Hello, does anyone know if it is okay to use fenbendazole while getting BCG treatments for bladder cancer? BCG treatments are considered immunotherapy. My husband just got his second cystoscopy checkup and no sign of cancer regrowth. They want to give him a 3 week, once per week, maintenance of BCG starting next week. He is on his 2nd week of using fenbendazole and I want to make sure it is okay to continue taking it while he gets his BCG treatments. Thank you!
I've been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. Because of my low income (age pension) I was put on the free but overworked institutional medical system, which paid for my first Lupron 6 monthly shot, The second is due in a few days. During the first 6 months I've been self-medicating with ivermectin and Turkeytail (Paul Stamets). I've recently been scheduled to get 5 session/70 gray radiotherapy by the end of October. My fenbendazole order should arrive today or tomorrow (500mm), so I'll be starting that by the end of traditional treatment. I'll let you know how it goes.
Best of luck!
Took my first dose today (between sessions 2 and 3 of radiotherapy) in my "Sh*t happens in Darwin" shot glass (which goes wherever I go). The brand here is Lombrimic 10% FZ, so I took 2 .5 ml each of it and olive oil.
Getting over the ray gun approach. Thought I'd go two bob each way, especially since the raygun approach was free. Recovery was over 2-3 weeks of constipation indistinguishable from torture, but have got the Tippen's protocol sorted, 3 days/week fen-ben (5 ml) and cannabidiol gummies.
Week 9 of fen-ben dewormer treatment and I got my PSA. It went from 129 last April to 4.62 after after first anti-testosterone shot. Had the X ray treatment in October and recovery for 2 months was indistinguishable from torture. My radiographer says he want to see it below 1.0, preferably around 0.8, when I see him in 4 weeks. It's 0.06, 13 times better than he was aiming for.
How's it going Des? You can also email us at myfenbendazole@proton.me
Saw my supervising doctor today (in the free hospital system). He was non-committal about my very low PSA test result, saying it looks "very favorable", but he said the expected - we have to monitor my situation to see that it does not rise, and scheduled my next PSA test for April, when my next hormone shot is due. I have the chance to quiz my radiologist Feb 19 as to whether my 0.06 PSA result was unusually low - he's the one who said his target was "less than 1.0, 0.8 even better". I'm not sure how long I need to keep the Tippens Protocol up but I think I'' go the next 3 months and take the following 6 months period as the period to see itf it rises. I think once into very positive territory for say 6 months I could stop and see what happens, and resort to the dog dewormer to nip it in the bud, then follow the same procedure once I quit the hormones, say October, assuming nothing unplanned occurs beforehand.
That is great news! Keep up the good work.
Saw my radiotherapist the other day (Feb 19). He said on my numbers I am for all intents and purposes cancer free. Mind you recovery from radiotherapy is a bit harrowing - it is a physical injury - 4 weeks of constipation indistinguishable from torture, followed by a week of urinary flow scarcely exceeding zero. Improvement since then has been gradual, but I've not recovered my former strength, which I attribute to the hormone therapy, which he suggests be sustained for a further year (2 more 6 monthly shots). Sustained healthy diet and exercise (the latter harder to do) seem called for, and as previously stated, I'll use it to monitor PSA and reverse it by resuming Tippins protocol (to prove conclusively to my own mind that it is effective).
Have you seen fenben or meben for triple negative breast cancer? I'm looking for a way out of chemo.
Thank you for sharing that!
Thanks so much, Jan.
Can one use Fenbendazole against breast cancer? Her2? G3? Östrogen driven?
These is a Case Report that covers fenbendazole and breast cancer (ER2)
I’ll try and make this short. In 2018 my husband was diagnosed with Liver Cancer, biopsy confirmed. A friend of mine who is a doctor told me to get Fenbendazole and I did. We gave my husband the recommended dosage and when he went in for his pre-operation bloodwork several days later he got a call telling him they no longer need to do surgery and come in to see him again because his cancer markers were gone. When he went back to discuss the doctors findings, they told my husband he no longer had cancer and was cancer free. Of course they didn’t want to believe it was from the Fenbendazole and went on to say, the biopsy must have been wrong. But we all know it was the Fenbendazole that saved my husbands life.
What was the dose? I’m trying to figure it all out so can start
That’s a great story! Yes, the oncologists will not believe that fenben eradicated the cancer. They make up some lame excuse like the biopsy must have been wrong. So they would have treated your husband for cancer he didn’t have…according to their logic. Some doctors are truly 🤡’s in white coats.
Does this work for endometrial cancer?
Yes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4096024/
Thank you! There’s a lot to review here. Will take a closer look. I appreciate the reference and your taking the time to share.
Thanks again, Andy. Such a big and evil industry--the Cancer Racket. G. Edward Griffin wrote a book about it. Ellen Brown also has a useful study of Forbidden Medicines. Keep on, Andy!
It's been a racket forever.
Literally, RUN from "the cure".
"Run From The Cure", the Rick Simpson story.
I have run across several more natural cures that I would try before using chemo or radiation. It does not make sense to me to use cancer drugs to kill all the cells, including good ones therefore leaving your immune system extremely susceptible to disease. Heck, if you want to go that route, they have mRNA poisons to do the trick.
Will fenben work for KRAS wild-type tumors?
Yes. Fenbendazole eradicates the cancer cell, does not appear to matter as to what “caused” the cancer. So cancers caused by mutagenic environmental effects (smoking, obesity) and cancers caused by oncogene failures (p53, ATM, KRAS etc) are equally eradicated by fenbendazole, it deals with the end product (cancer) not the cause along the pathway leading to the cancer. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30862488/ This article from 2018 demonstrates fenbendazole’s effectiveness in eradicating pancreatic, NSCLC and colon cancer caused by the KRAS mechanism
Joe Tippens Cancer Cure Protocol - JOE TIPPEN’S BLOG
- The protocol that cured Joe Tippens in 2017 (January) and many others since, was the CANINE MEDICINE - “ PANACUR “ - 3 DAYS ON / 4 DAYS OFF - REPEAT - UNTIL CLEAR
- He updated it in OCT 2020 to 7 days a week - but that is NOT what cured him.
I did an internet search based on your username's words alone and found five peer reviewed studies showing that this probably works. Very grateful you're getting the word out!
I also sent this to a pharma chemist I know
> binding to the colchicine-sensitive
> site of the beta subunit of
> helminithic (parasite) tubulin
> thereby disrupting binding of that
> beta unit with the alpha unit of
> tubulin which blocks intracellular
> transport and glucose absorption
> (Guerini et al., 2019). If someone
> asks you how fenbendazole kills
> the cancer cells, the answer is in
> italics in the previous sentence.
I am more likely to describe this as Luke's lazermissile going down the ventilator shaft of the beta subunit of the Death Star tubulin considering my usual company