Please please can you direct me to the exact prescription of what should be taken alongside FenBen. I've been told that I need DMSO oil, Tudca, serrapeptase, and more. And I'm afraid to get it wrong. Can I just take Feb Ben with oil?

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The liver does not filter anything, that's not how it works. It transforms substances to become water soluble to be excreted in the urine. The ALT/AST would either be from direct damage to liver cells, or from the tumor cells dying. ALT/AST are in most cells and will thus spill into the bloodstream if a tumor is dying. They will even go up from intense exercise from muscle cells being torn/damaged.

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My wife cured her stage 4 cancer with $12.00 worth of sodium bicarbonate. Do the research people. It’s a 700 year old cure.

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Thank you.

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Very informative. Do you have any information on blood cancers, e.g., CLL and ivermectin and fen Ben?

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My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in August 2024. She went through six treatments of the worst, harshest chemotherapy. Scan followed with no change to the tumor. After reading articles about the effects of ivermectin and Fenbendazole I purchased it to try. She's taking 444mg fenbendazole and 3mg ivermectin for about ten days now. We are consulting Dr. William Maki's to get the proper dosage. Meanwhile, we had an appointment with her oncologist to see what the next step of treatment is. We mentioned that we are using ivermectin and Fenbendazole and almost went off the rails. We are ignoring her rebuttal and continuing the use. The next set of chemo starts next week. Wish us luck. Will try and keep you posted.

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Just starting mine. God bless your journey.

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Oncologists will be the last to recommend fenbendazole and/or ivermectin but the first to take it if they are the afflicted.

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I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer 3 years ago. The Oncologist was “treating” it with Ibrance and a hormone inhibitor. My last scans showed new lesions on my liver, so he changed the treatment last month, which like the Ibrance is only to slow the progression not a cure. I’ve read numerous articles but am confused about the dosage amount for the Fenbendazole. One article said 444mg & another said 222mg. What mg dosage is recommended and how often should it be taken since that seems to vary from 6 days per week to 3 days on 4 days off; once per day to multiple times a day.

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Concerns regarding toxicity appear greatly overblown. Whether you take 222 or 444 mg is less of an issue, taking it everyday or twice per day (having it active in your system) is what appears to be most important.

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Is it possible that fenbenzadole is curing parasites that APPEAR to be cancerous tumors rather than curing real cancer cells? Have there been people who have cancer who have tried fen without success?

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While that is a remote possibility, all the Case Reports here have had their cancers diagnosed by blood tumor antigen, imaging and/or immunohistochemical tests. So they are quite sure they had cancer…as currently diagnosed. However, it is entirely possible, and highly likely that cancer behaves as a parasite because both share many qualities including molecular mimicry, immune evasion among many other features, the most important of which is that an antiparasitic like fenbendazole kills both parasites and cancer!

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Thank you!

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Is Mebendazole similar to Fenben?

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Question. Can fenBen be taken while on chemo?

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Yes. There is an article in this Substack discussing how fenbendazole enhances the effects of some chemotherapies.

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are you looking for a reliable to order fenbendazol and ivermectin?


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Anyone take the liquid goat dewormer? How much did you take a.day? My husband was diagnosed with 4 different cancers. Just found out about fenben from a friend. Looking to try it but want to make sure on the dosage. He's 160# Thanks

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Hi, quick question about the point you make above regarding PET CT scanning showing active hot spots. How long should I wait before scanning to avoid this scenario? Also, does anyone else have any experience of bone pain when taking Fenben? I have been taking it for almost two weeks and have cancer cells in the bone marrow. Hoping the fen ben is chewing it up and that's why my leg is so sore!

Best wishes to all of you.

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Hi, my friend is going to start taking menbendazole for lung cancer. Stage 4. The tablets are 100mg, should she take 2 at a time, since the fenbendazole dosis comes in 220mg???

Appreciate your comments.

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Hi Folks, I'm dealing with a couple of nodes on my thyroid; one is large & suspicious for cancer, so I've started on a program of fenben & ivermectin while I schedule a biopsy. I'm also treating for allergies to remove inflammation from my face and neck. I believe what started this was a change in my transdermal estrogen to using some synthetic gel concoction instead of the cream I've been using for years. Allergy testing shows I'm sensitive to it, and this happened because of FDA interference to give what was supposed to be bioidentical to give it a longer shelf life. I was shocked to learn that, because FDA has no interest in maintaining natural medicine, so it's in their interest to destroy it & for me this changed something I was using for years for prevention into something toxic. Anyway, I'm off it now, and I am using Fenzol powder I bought on Amazon, and Ivermectin from Virex Health 12 mg. tablets: https://www.virex.health/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=53 I'm doing one 12 mg tablet & 222 mg from a scoop in olive oil every morning. Is anyone familiar with these brands, and should I be using Fenben at night in an equal dose as well? I've also just started a weekly protocol at an energy medicine place using a true Rife machine, Theraphi & Molecular Hydrogen therapy. Hitting it hard & looking for any extra guidance anyone can offer. Thanks!

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Thyroid cancer is the one that has the best recovery/survival rates. Hopefully, you don’t have it. Just wanted to share my experience with thyroid biopsy is that it has a good chance to come back as “inconclusive”, so I didn’t see any benefit of doing it for me personally (learned all that after getting my results).

Sounds like you already have a good start on being proactive with non-conventional therapies. Here is the information about Dr. Marik’s book that has list of supplements beneficial in fighting cancer. Not sure if you are familiar with it, but this is the updated version.


Best wishes in your recovery!

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Thank you!

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