Mar 7Liked by Ben Fen

Well, as usual the gatekeepers must trot out their autocratic declarations of superiority.


These are the paragons of science that brought us through the recent plague with what may end up as the biggest malfeasance in medical mafia history.; the safe and effective crowd.


Follow the money, find the science (Fauci, Redfield, et al)

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Mar 2Liked by Ben Fen

Is there any research, anecdotal or otherwise, for a recommended prophylactic dosage of Fenben? I’ve read different recommendations, I think some — and I’m talking pre-cancerous, like an enlarged prostate for example —222 mg 3x / week? I doubt it would be daily, as that’s what a lot of people take to cure their cancer. That, FB 3x/wk +12 mg of ivermectin several times a week or daily (IVM has been shown to reduce or cure prostate cancer) seems good. Thoughts?

By the way, as Ben Fen has written we are all having to do these medical experiments on ourselves to discover what dosages work because the powers that ought not be will not fund something from which they cannot rake in billions —and I would add, for something that will not make us sicker and eventually dead (pop control). So, interestingly enough, FLCCC in their weekly update 2/28, Drs Marik & Kory were saying the most trustworthy or valuable research is turning out to be the practical boots on the ground anecdotal research versus what is considered “the gold standard” RCTs (randomized controlled trials) because just being peer-reviewed ,often by those in the pockets of big Pharma, really doesn’t mean much…

And I’ve read others in the field stating some research had been done that revealed 85% of research papers are fraudulent or partly fraudulent… So where is one to go except to what is actually working boots on the ground from we poor souls who are trying to get well? OK rabbit trail …

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Feb 28Liked by Ben Fen

Thanks! I would love to see that study or studies. Do you happen to have a link?

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Feb 27Liked by Ben Fen

Thank you for these posts on how Fenbendazole helps heal people. So important.

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Feb 22Liked by Ben Fen

I know my question is not related to this article, but i need to know what an adult dosage should be on the ivermectin IP iveractin tablets 12mg should be when i want to take it to soften the side effects on a "cold"? At one stage in life on another planet we could get our hands on human ivermectin medicine, but it seems even the pharmacists are not willing to give answers on dosage. And i still don't know or even are allowed to know which drs do treat us this way. Should i still take dazzit with it?

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Feb 21Liked by Ben Fen

Follow up to my post below, figuring out which form of FB to use predominantly. The powder, by far the most economical, especially at Fenbenlab.com , appears to be the most bioavailable (over capsules and tablets), esp. if stirred via toothpick in 2 tsp or 1 TB of EVOO. HOWEVER, I just tried this and it is a bear to work with!! because the FB powder is so fine and light weight (like talcum powder) that it wants to fly everywhere, even if one is very careful. AND a plastic scoop was included which only makes the powder more static (I know, use my own 1/8 metal tsp for 225mg). Sprinkling on the food has been suggested... But I'd have to lick the plate to get all those precious bits of barely visible powder spread all over... LOL! Would like to hear from any of you who are using the powder.

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Feb 19Liked by Ben Fen

I have a question (rephrased a few ways) that would help me make arguments about fenbendazole. Is there any known contraindication? Is there any risk of toxicity? Are there any known interactions?

Right now it seems like a no-brainer to me for any person diagnosed with cancer to immediately start taking some reasonable daily dose of fenbendazole. But is there any known reason that doing this might be harmful?

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Feb 16Liked by Ben Fen

I was curious as to the varying bioavailability of the form of Fenben. I simply did a quick search on the net, and although healthline is in with the medical industrial complex (as far as I can tell), they seem to be straightforward about the pros and cons of tablets in general compared to capsules. See link below. Capsules are more readily and quickly dissolved and absorbed. They tend to be a bit more pricey and cannot contain as high of mg of the drug as tablets. Tablets are much less expensive, do not break up uniformly once ingested and can cause more stomach upset (check me on this, I sped read once). But it was enough to answer my question posed elsewhere on this site.

Fenben is fat soluble, and in some of the Fenben info its emphasized downside is a lack of bioavailability. Therefore there is frequent recommendation to take with EVO.

So with all that, it would appear that: Best bioavailability: 1) fenben powder (with meal, partially dissolved in EVO, I use 2 tsp), 2) fenben caps swallowed toward end of meal with 2 tsp EVO, 3) tablets taken toward end of meal and chewed on with 2 tsp EVO (or highly fatty food) and then swallowed. You can pre crush if preferred, but husband did not note any bitter taste.

Some recommend 1 Tb EVO. That's a lot if you choose to divide fenben in 2 different dosages of 222 ea (as I was). Now I just take 444mg capsules in one sitting with a meal that has some fat and I figure 2 tsp EVO is enough. One pharmacist recommended taking fenben w/ 1 tsp butter.

Caps vs Tabs:


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Paul E. Marik, MD, FCCM, FCCP

(He covers fenbendazole. Calls it First Tier. / ivermectin too. He calls it second tier)

This is a visually slick production with color illustrations and charts.

Free download.



More Paul E. Marik material and his videos (This man is serious!)



He even gets endorsed by Bing AI search! *****

Paul Ellis Marik (born March 26, 1958) is a medical doctor and former professor of medicine. Until his resignation in January 2022, he served as the chair of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia. Additionally, he worked as a critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. His research interests include sepsis and tissue oxygenation1.

Dr. Marik is known for developing the “Marik protocol” (also referred to as the “HAT” protocol), which was a treatment for preventing sepsis. However, this protocol has since been discredited1. He is also a co-leader of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which has advocated for the use of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin to treat COVID-19, despite advice to the contrary from leading health agencies1. Dr. Marik has described himself as a "status quo destabilizer"1.

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Dr. Marik earned a Master of Medicine in the Specialty of Internal Medicine from the University of the Witwatersrand. He has worked in teaching hospitals in the United States since 1992 and authored the Handbook of Evidence-Based Critical Care in 20011. Although his career has been marked by controversy, his contributions to critical care medicine continue to be a topic of discussion in the medical community.

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There are many studies indicating cancer is actually parasites and that is why anti-parasitics can be beneficial in treating cancer. No one wants to talk about this but thought I would share. Thank you for bringing up this amazing treatment option for people with cancer.

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"FenBen Labs fenbendazole 222 mg once per day."

What part of a teaspoon is this? My guess is one fifth. 222 is nice number ( https://www.bing.com/search?q=222+is+nice+number&PC=U316&FORM=CHROMN ) and this what the classic dog dewormer has. That 222 mg Joe Tippens used. These days some take double this dose daily. Joe took this 5x per week, iirc.

Found At Amazon That Joe Tippens used >>> "Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole), 4 Gram,Red"

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After reading Joe Tippens I got some Panacure that stated on the box that it was made in Austria.

I recently ordered some more Panacure and it stated on the box that it was made in China.

Has there been any testing of the purity of the Chinese made Panacure?

Both times I ordered the Panacure from Amazon.

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Hey, checkout Forveda Online Private Limited, Nagpur

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You might be interested in how I am curing my dog from cancer with Fenben. https://vaccinatedbyproxy.substack.com/p/how-i-am-curing-my-dog-of-cancer

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Feb 11Liked by Ben Fen

FYI: FLCCCC on Feb 7 on their Rumble channel broadcasted their weekly update, this one on "Health Care Revolution Conference Recap." And Dr Paul Marik shared an update to one of his slides he had shared at the conference. "Metabolic Interventions to Control Cancer," at 25:40 minute mark: ON THE MEBENDAZOLE (sadly, only 100-200mg) ITEM, IVERMECTIN 12 MG WAS ADDED RIGHT NEXT TO IT, NOW IN TIER 1, AND IN THE TOP 10 AT THAT! Last I looked, his conference slide had not yet been updated to include Ivermectin. BUT in his 12/11/23 update to his Cancer Care book, Ivermectin had been upgraded to Tier 2, and he had commented there (and in the Mebendazole section) that the two would act synergistically together, with one caveat: Ivermectin does not cross the BBB (blood brain barrier) and so would not be helpful for brain cancer. He seems to put Mebendazole/Fenbendazole on par in his hard copy of the book. I hope they're the same, I just ordered a significant amount of Mebendazole from India.

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Feb 10Liked by Ben Fen

Looking for Protocol for long COVID using fenben with ivermectin. Any suggestions?

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