Regarding melanoma, I am being told by docs that melanoma is fairly common in kidney dialysis patients. My son is using peritoneal dialysis and has been surgically treated for an aggressive melanoma on his neck several times. What is the opinion on mebendazole or Fenben use, possibly ivermectin, and dialysis?
Did the doctors offer an explanation of why melanoma is more common when undergoing dialysis? Two potential reasons are impaired immune systems and maybe the UV light that is part of the dialysis process. First be sure to optimize your son’s immune system with 8,000-10,000 IU vitamin D3 per day. It will take 4-6 weeks to affect all of the immune cytokines (cells). Haven’t seen any references regarding fenbendazole/ivermectin and dialysis. However, there are Case Reports regarding the topical use of fenbendazole/ivermectin on basal, squamous and melanoma skin cancers here. That might be a first step until you can find more information regarding systemic fenbendazole and dialysis.
Thank you Ben, this is obviously an ongoing battle that we intend to win. Your help is greatly appreciated. Vit D is definitely an issue. I've also seen very positive info regarding IV Vit C. Still reading and researching 👍🙏 TY.
For non melanoma skin cancer I highly recommend the topical cream Curaderm Bec5: It is non-toxic, noninvasive, and clinically proven. It contains a plant sugar called rhamnose which penetrates the skin, targets the cancerous cells and kills them. The active ingredient does not penetrate healthy cells, leaving them to multiply and replace the dead cancerous cells, the skin heals. You have to apply twice a day and cover with micropore tape or medical pad for larger lesions.
This one claims success in mice but only if combined with certain vitamins. This finding is contrary to the Community Trials here where Case Reports show fenbendazole alone to be effective. Since there is little downside and huge potential gain trying fenbendazole might be warranted.
Sorry to comment so many months after your question, but I follow a substack by Adam Gaertner (veryvirology) and he explains in one very technical post that he takes fenbendazole as a cancer preventive since he is a 20-year pack-a-day smoker. Here is a link to that post:
Dear Ben Fen, any specific protocols for stage 3 melanoma? Do you follow Joe Tippens protocol with additional curcumin, cbd oil, berberine (any evidence, case reports or other for these)? Recommendations for dosage of fenbendazole daily and is there a need to check LFTs? Thank you so much, in advance
I would add that people should be on a sugar free diet with any kind of cancer. Cancer cells have a high metabolic rate and love sugars. High carbs and processed foods should be removed from the diet, and mild oxygenating exercise like walking (also relaxing) should become a lifestyle. Low oxygen levels appear to be an epigenetic switch that promotes the errant metabolism found in cancer. Lose weight if needed.
A personal note: I have been a volunteer in a Type 1 diabetes study for decades, and when metformin first was introduced to the market, I asked two of the long-time diabetes researchers working in the study, one a physician and the other a nurse, about the drug.
Both said, vehemently, that no one should take metformin or any other of the Type 2 diabetes drugs -- because the clinical trials showed numerous safety issues that were being ignored for profits.
I asked my question in the 1990s, and I believe the advice of those researchers to this day. Every Type 2 diabetic I've known who took metformin or other T2D drugs has suffered ill effects of varying degrees. Just an FYI.
This Case Report used 444 mg fenbendazole per day with no other substances. Fenben alone is sufficient to eradicate cancer. The only substance in the Tippens Protocol that is nevessary to eradicate cancer is fenben. However, if anyone feels more secure taking other substances, go for it…it won’t hurt and it won’t help either. FYI, the only thing that can override fenbendazole’s effect on cancer are covid boosters. Do not get covid boosters if treating cancer with fenbendazole!
I just wrote a comment but seems to have disappeared. Panacur is disappearing from stores, friend is looking for his cat, and Walmart, Petsmart no luck. Tractor supply neither.
Yeah, did. Also found a family owned feed store that still carries it. A pet store called me back and said their vet is reviewing requests for all dewormers.
I'm 39 y/o, started being treated for Stage 4 Gastric cancer (metastatic adenocarcinoma) with peritoneum mets, I had a tumor at the gastroesophageal junction, the doctors did chemo rounds first, then they did a total gastrectomy, then radiation, immunotherapy, more chemo, and most recently a liver resection. Now, the cancer is in both lobes of the liver, in the lining of the heart, lining of the abdomen, still in the peritoneum, and many surrounding lymph nodes. They basically told that I can have one last round of chemo and then that's it...
I recently discovered fenbendazole and I've been trying with alternative remedies alongside the traditional methods, but I'm very skeptical of whether it can work. I've been feeling very angry, and depressed..
I just want some guidance, I bought fenbendazole in powder form from Fenben Lab because I've heard that they have the best quality. Also, I've read some articles of how to take fenbendazole so, I ordered Tudca, Gamma E and Turmeric/Curcumin.. We live in New York so I don't have access to RSO. Is there a CBD oil or something similar to RSO accessible in NY?
The CBD oil, Curcumin, quercitin, frankincense, and berberine that Joe Tippins ( uses is from this link on his blog.. I hope you are doing well 🙏
Do not take fenben labs. Their product is only 7% . It has been tested. I have the exact same cancer and everything has shrunk and my stomach biopsies came back clear. Only Mets on ovaries left. Which also shrunk from 17cm to 10cm. I take safeguard. My mom buys it at a farm supple store, but we started buying it off Amazon so I could get it quicker, and even then you gotta watch for fake panacur c, even on Amazon. Make sure the expiry date is embossed, not printed. Do not take fenben labs. I feel so bad for anyone who takes it and gets sicker. They aren’t getting the real deal.
No it’s not good. I wouldn’t take the chance. I purchase Merck from a local animal supply store. You can purchase it anywhere at any farm supply store. It comes as Panacur or Safeguard - dog, sheep and cattle dewormer, liquid or granules.
I use Safeguard granules currently. Whatever I can find. Been taking it almost a year. I wouldn’t mess around and try some random company from Lithuania - get the real stuff. Cancer is no joke
And it is absolutely critical to take some liver support with it. I take 500mg of tudca with each dose as well as 750mg pill (from Costco) of milk thistle which each dose.
My liver enzymes went up around Christmas when I upped to 666mg and added the milk thistle to the tudca and they went back down to normal
I take 888mg twice a day right now because I am still actively healing.
I started with 222mg twice a day and slowly built up to what I take now. I tried taking too much too fast before and got really sick…so I just kept upping it a tiny bit each week. I’ve been on this dose for about 2 months now. I buy the 4 gram pouches and take a full pouch (which equals 888mg) twice a day - around 1pm and 11pm
I have Fenben 444 mg but do not know how much powder to take that would be equal to 222 or 444 mg. That is why I asked how much powder you take. So for you to get 888 mg. how much powder do you use (1 tablespoon, 2 tablespoons etc.) AND what do you mix it with?
you might as well try what else do you have to lose? Theress a lot of great stories of people using fenbendazole to great success, just make sure you're buying the fenbendazole from reliable sources..
You can take fenbendazole along with chemotherapy. If it was me I would take 444 mg in the AM and another 444 mg in the PM to maintain an effective serum level of fenbendazole for most of the day (half life ~ 7.5 hrs). No other substances are necessary as fenbendazole alone has worked for many people. It won't hurt to take the other substances but realize that they are not necessary. Best of luck, keep notes and keep us posted. PS FenBen Labs product is effective.
I don’t know if most here have any experience in trying to convince loved ones or friends who may be in cancer’s crosshairs that this is worth researching and ultimately using. It seems like when the fact that it’s a canine dewormer comes up, I might kind of sound like a “snake oil salesman” - I don’t know. On the other hand, I feel like I’m not doing my duty if I don’t bring it up with them as a possible option. I have a sister in such a situation who simply takes everything her oncologist says/recommends at total face value and is leery about trying anything else. My opinion is, what do you have to lose? I guess I just wonder if others have run into similar resistance/skepticism?
Preliminary observations...fenbendazole appears to be more effective treating fast growing, aggressive cancers while ivermectin may be more effective with slower growing cancers like some prostate cancers. Again, very preliminary observations on this end.
I am a retired Registered Nurse who is so impressed with the case studies in your FenBen Substack! I have been sharing your information in as many places as l can!
The information you are sharing is such an incredible, worthwhile service to mankind!!!
At this time, l have a personal a fair-skinned person who has live in south Florida my entire life & who has a familial history of Melanoma skin cancer l was not surprised when a spot of Melanoma was found on my left shoulder 3 years ago. It was successfully surgically excised with "clear margins" & l now go for skin checks every 3 months.
I also have had many small areas of basal & sarcoma skin cancers removed over the past 25 years. I have been told that ALL these skin cancers are due to sun exposure from my recreational outdoor time in the Florida sun.
But l've also stumbled across much information that says Melanoma skin cancer may NOT be due to sun exposure & might be due to genetics. My mother died from a malignant Melanoma. Other close family members have (so far) survived Melanoma skin cancer with surgical removal.
This is my question: Because of my history, should l begin (as a prophalatic measure) taking FenBen? Would there be any benefit to doing such?
If so, how much & how often & for how long should l take it?
I will look forward to any recommendations you may have. Thank-you so much!
Sorry I didn't address your direct question. Taking fenbendazole as a preventative measure, given that you have discrete risk factors, is probably wise. Not to steal our own thunder but there is an article in the works examining the rationale of the preventative use of fenbendazole and the takeaway message is if you have risk factors it is a reasonable strategy given the safety profile of fenbendazole. The protocol, as of now and it may change, is this: Risk factors of any kind, 222 mg fenben once per week; No identifiable risk factors for any cancers 222 mg for 3 consecutive days, once every three months. The scientific 'problem' with prevention is in proving a negative, that is, if something doesn't happen how do you determine the role of the substance of interest? Given the proven mechanisms underpinning fenbendazole's effect on cancer cells and its effects in the field (these Case Reports and other reports) it is reasonable to expect that fenbendazole is highly likely to prevent as well as cure some cancers. Conceptually, that idea would suggest that a substance like fenbendazole, with little to no side effects, is an ideal candidate for an anti-cancer preventative as well. It also suggests that the continuum spanning prevention-to-cure may be accessed anywhere along that continuum by fenbendazole...which is an amazing possibility. Keep in mind that over a billion people in India take albendazole (fenbendazole equivalent) 400 mg twice per year to manage intestinal parasites regarding the safety profile of the drug.
Your detailed, specific reply is greatly appreciated! Not only do l have a personal stake in the information you are is absolutely intellectually fascinating!
It goes without saying that the lives that could be potentially saved is mindboggling!
I repeat, this information is an incredible, worthwhile service to mankind. It needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
Hi Laurie. Thanks for the kind words and thank you for your comments! So much to say regarding melanomas...first, melanomas usually occur 'where the sun does not shine', meaning behind the knees, under covered skin, butt crack etc. So a direct irradiative mutagenic effect of the sun as the ONLY cause for melanomas is brought into question. What does play a factor in melanoma is chronic Vitamin D deficiency! Ah Ha! The plot thickens! The conventional 'wisdom' is that the sun is bad. However, the sun makes vitamin D, which is good. Avoiding the sun or slathering on sunscreen is actually a risk factor for melanoma...if you don't supplement with vitamin D. So the best way to reduce your risk of melanoma is to optimize your vitamin D levels to 80 - 100 ng/ml (this may require 5000 - 8000 IU vitamin D3 daily) AND sensible sun exposure. One curious phenomenon you may notice as you optimize vitamin D is that you're less likely to get a sunburn. Over time, your skin may actually darken slightly. Makes sense as skin tanning is an on-the-fly mutation in response to a environmental input...the sun. That system must monitor a bodily process to regulate itself and a factor related to chronic vitamin D status is most likely. Furthermore, getting your vitamin D into an optimal range will help stave off some of the ravages of aging caused by chronic inflammation. It is really quiet simple and fascinating.
Incredible info about Vit. D! I never worried about it before. Always tried to maintain a healthy diet. But with the onset of covid l did begin taking a Vit. D supplement as well as other supplements. My last blood level for Vit. D was WNL but l plan to increase my intake & get tested again on next doctor visit.
Who would have thought....something so simple....but it makes sense as modern life keeps most folks indoors most of the time out of the sunshine. Which is apparently so critical for human health!
Again, thank-you for all that you are doing to share this life-saving information!
A couple of notes on vitamin D--here is a great site regarding how to calculate your daily need for D, and how to quickly get yourself into "good" range.
Secondly, not all vitamin D supplements are created equally and some folks may (for whatever reason) have a difficult time getting that level up (myself included). I took several brands before I finally got results with Nature's Made (look for the USP certification on the bottle). And I've taken ones that included K and other absorption enhancing ingredients but still got tangible results with NM. That being said I take 10,000 units daily and my D was just tested and only 64.7ng/ml which is slightly lower than I would prefer. I've been taking this dose for at least a year. I've been taking Vitamin D pretty regularly for at least 6 years and have never once gotten the dreaded covid. (Naturally I did NOT inject myself with those useless toxic treatments being passed off as vaccines). Best of luck to you.
Just like with most things biological there are individual differences with respect to vitamin D measures and metabolism. One important difference is vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) which is what is measured in a serum vitD test. Some people have more VDBP, some have less, all independent of actual vitD level. So vitD level can appear low -despite taking lots of vitD - in those with lower VDBP and visa versa. So, what’s a girl to do? Take the amount to get into the sweet spot of immune system optimization (80-100 ng/ml) which would be 10,000 IU vitamin D3. Then listen to your body. If you have an autoimmune condition that resolves, you’re in your range. If it persists, up your dose by 2000 IU increments every 60 days until it does. If it still doesn’t resolve at 20,000 IU per day for 60 days, the condition is not vitD dependent and resume the 10,000 IU per day maintenance dose.
I actually have also read that Melanoma is not caused by the sun! I also spend a lot of time out in my garden or riding horses or doing farm chores out in the sunshine. I am going to go to the farm store, buy some Panacur paste for horses and dab it on the flaky red spots on my skin and see what happens. I think I will do before and after photos to make sure I can see if Panacur is working.
I treat my horses with Panacur once a year and I also give my barn cat a small dab in his kibble once a month but to be honest until I found this substack, I had never thought about taking it myself! This has changed everything. =)
that's awesome! I have a story about Fenben. My mom had squamous on her face right by her nose and eye. She put Fenben on it every evening and it dried up and went away.
I had a "age spot" on my hand for probably 25 years that appeared to be slow growing over time. I have been to numerous derm docs who didn't know what it was and told me its wasn't a big deal but for me it was starting to get itchy and it had raised rim around the out side of the spot. I started putting a small dab of Fenben on that spot each night before bed. The spot is gone was in 2 weeks.
I am not a person who uses drugs lightly. I research all aspects of drug use before I put it in my body. But Fenben and IVM are miracle drugs.
People are using ivermectin paste to treat squamous cell skin lesions. I did it on my forehead with a diagnosed squamous patch. Fenben in skin cream every day. The patch puckered up, dried up and fell off in about a month. No scar or anything. I sent my case study in here along with pictures. Don’t know if it is interesting enough to publish.
Ah horse people exactly who I was looking for! what about those gray horses that always get melanomas? have you considered treating those with the fen Ben? I would guess that the worming schedule is not enough for melanoma prevention... my barn owner says gray is not a color it's a disease, right? although I do know a gray 30-year-old Arabian who seems to not have any melanomas...
I had a grey arab when I was a kid. He never had melanomas in the 5 years that I owned him I went off to the Navy so I had to sadly sell him. A few years ago I had a paint mare who had a sarcoid on her eyelid. My vet thought it was a bug that had encrusted itself there. That diagnosis was wrong. So I had the same vet out since it didnt go away with in a few weeks and by now it was the size of a pea.
The vet suggested that we inject the sarcoid with cicplatin which is a tumor drug and it is supposed to make it go away. Instead the tumor got bigger. Like the size of a golf ball and in the mean while my mare started to hate this vet and would run when ever she saw her.
I eventually had to take this mare who was lame with navicular BTW and spend $2500 to have the tumor removed. 60 days later the tumor came back but it also brought its friends and there were 6 more small sarcoids. Knowing that I was not going to put my mare through this again, I started researching (which is what I should have done to begin with but I trusted my vet). I bought some organic Tea Tree oil and Frankincense. I rubbed these two oils on each sarcoid AM & PM and they started to go away. Eventually they all went away - was a couple of months.
This was all before I knew the Fenben was not only a dewormer, but also a cancer cure. Recently, my mom had some melanoma on her face. She has been applying a dab of fenben Panacur paste to the spot and now it is almost gone.
I had this weird "age mark" that the dermatologist told me there was nothing she could do. It was growing and raised. I went to 3 different derm docs. None knew what to do about it. It didn't hurt but occasionally it was itchy. I started putting a dab of Panacur paste on it before I went to bed. With in 2 weeks the raised spot was gone. I have a scar there now. So heres what I would do about your grey horse.
I would put panacur paste on the sarcoid AM & PM and watch what happens. Take photos of it every few days and measure the tumor with a measuring tape documenting the size and shape to see if there is any change. The photos are great for reference for later.
You can also have your vet remove those sarcoids, but that was terribly traumatic for my mare and I would never do that again.
We owned that mare for 12 years. She was the sweetest most kind horse I have ever owned. I loved her deeply but had to put her down in November because she could hardly walk any more. Her body had finally given out.
thank you so much for your information packed comment! so sorry you lost your horse, I know what that's like. really good about the essential oils and the sarcoids. I'm a big fan of iodine, and I've had two sarcoids on horses go away with high iodine supplements in the feed... the first one was by accident, he wasn't getting iodine for the sarcoid! I don't have a gray horse myself, my sister had one who had recurring melanomas. however I am going to pass on your suggestion to someone I know who probably won't use it, and to someone who is a friend of a friend and might be interested, but I don't know if she actually has a gray horse at the moment... I find it really really interesting that there are so many different remedies that work, it seems like there should be something for everyone!
DMSO is a solvent, anything you have on your skin that you apply DMSO over will be carried directly into the tissues. I don't know if the other ingredients in Panacur would be a problem, but I do know that absorption through the skin is a real thing; the problem is that unlike something you take orally, it is not processed through the liver where things can be detoxed. you might want to get a pure fenbendazole if using DMSO.
Ah horse people exactly who I was looking for! what about those gray horses that always get melanomas? have you considered treating those with the fen Ben? I would guess that the worming schedule is not enough for melanoma prevention... my barn owner says gray is not a color it's a disease, right? although I do know a gray 30-year-old Arabian who seems to not have any melanomas...
I found a brief article about DSMO. I always have some on hand for sweating out a horse leg if he injures it and it is swollen. I have never used it personally.
That’s what I use it for as well. Thinking about how it will take whatever is on the skin into the system, hence the reason hands must be free of fly spray and other chemicals.
that's why I never considered DSMO for anything much. Its too unknown for me and I haven't spent a lot of research time going over it. I prefer to use as little chemicals in myself and horses.
I am not sure about DSMO. I does get hot and burns if you dont use it properly. I think it would depend on what kind of skin lesions you have and what caused them?
Your plan to take before & after photos of any skin lesions is brilliant. Maybe you can post your outcomes on this Substack after a period of time!
Thank-you for your reply to my comment. Although the scamdemic has been terrible & has caused many to interact & has taught us a lot. I guess we can be grateful for the small favors that arise out of tragedy.
That would be great! Citizen-scientists designing experiments and collecting data! You're part of a budding paradigm of medical research. The covid fiasco exposed the corruption in the three-letter agencies that are supposed to protect us. It is up to us now to take charge of our own health.
Hi Ben, you said that Chris, was using Fenbendazole from "FenBen Lab. On the Fenbendazole Facebook group, Zahra Sita says whatever you do don't use FenBen Lab, this product from Lithuania. as it tests poorly. What's your opinion, is Z Sita just selling her own product or is there a problem with FenBen Lab? products? Thanks, Duane Hayes
Have not any any complaints/issues with FenBen Labs, it's what we use personally. I also purchased the Happy Healing brand as well, haven't used it yet. Personally, I sense a pissing match between those that recommend one brand of fenben over another, which is too bad because it taints the information provided on the site. Which is the main reason we do not charge for subscriptions, don't endorse anything or try to make money with this effort. It is a pay-it-forward project only...and we have learned so much NEW just in the 3 months the Substack has been active.
I think you’re right. I made a comment on another Substack a month or so ago about a young woman who’s home I had worked at that was battling cancer. I believe it may had been you suggesting I mention fenben. Well, I told the salesman who happened to be a family friend and he’s said she’s been taking it and they hope it works. I know it had metastasized so I hope it wasn’t too late but so far, so good.
Thanks for the clarification. If I recall correctly Zahra Sita was claiming that the FenBen Lab product only contained 7% Fenbendazole, which would appear to be an outrageous lie.
It’s not good. I think there’s a report posted on Amazon that was done showing that it’s not pure. Why take the chance? Take Merck, panacur or safeguard! Take the real deal and don’t gamble with your life. Just my opinion, and that’s what I take with success
Check out fenbendazole .org . Along with much information on fenbendazole in general, they've done quality analysis four brands of fenbendazole. They actually rate FenBen Labs product as the purest of the bunch.
I don’t think Zahra owns or has anything to do with happy healing. She just warns against fenben labs. I just take Merck…better to just get the real deal and not gamble with your life. Merck, panacur or safeguard is where it’s at. Get those and give yourself your best chance
This issue over the purity of Fen Ben Lab’s product is suspicious for at least two reasons. First, the Case Reports in this Substack clearly demonstrate that Fen Ben Lab’s product is effective. There is no doubt about that. Multiple people with different cancers have all been successful with Fen Ben Labs. Second, it is highly suspicious that this facebook group admin Zera seems to be slamming Fen Ben Labs in favor of Happy Healing. Both products seem equally effective…there is no controversy other than perhaps a self serving one.
Regarding melanoma, I am being told by docs that melanoma is fairly common in kidney dialysis patients. My son is using peritoneal dialysis and has been surgically treated for an aggressive melanoma on his neck several times. What is the opinion on mebendazole or Fenben use, possibly ivermectin, and dialysis?
Did the doctors offer an explanation of why melanoma is more common when undergoing dialysis? Two potential reasons are impaired immune systems and maybe the UV light that is part of the dialysis process. First be sure to optimize your son’s immune system with 8,000-10,000 IU vitamin D3 per day. It will take 4-6 weeks to affect all of the immune cytokines (cells). Haven’t seen any references regarding fenbendazole/ivermectin and dialysis. However, there are Case Reports regarding the topical use of fenbendazole/ivermectin on basal, squamous and melanoma skin cancers here. That might be a first step until you can find more information regarding systemic fenbendazole and dialysis.
Thank you Ben, this is obviously an ongoing battle that we intend to win. Your help is greatly appreciated. Vit D is definitely an issue. I've also seen very positive info regarding IV Vit C. Still reading and researching 👍🙏 TY.
For non melanoma skin cancer I highly recommend the topical cream Curaderm Bec5: It is non-toxic, noninvasive, and clinically proven. It contains a plant sugar called rhamnose which penetrates the skin, targets the cancerous cells and kills them. The active ingredient does not penetrate healthy cells, leaving them to multiply and replace the dead cancerous cells, the skin heals. You have to apply twice a day and cover with micropore tape or medical pad for larger lesions.
Don’t know about curaderm but topical fenbendazole is extremely effective on all skin cancers.
My friend’s great grandson is 4 years old and has brain cancer. How much Fenbendazole should he take?
There is a glioma case report in the Substack. That case is a 27 yr old man, don’t know what is advisable for a 4 yr old...😢
My brother was diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma after his covid19 booster, his wife also boosted diagnosed almost sane week as my brother.
She had surgery everything fine with her. My brother had chemo, then stem cell transplant now treatments for another year.
Is there any studies on fenbendazole for treatment of lymphomas?
There are some studies published.,synergy%20is%20as%20yet%20unknown.
This one claims success in mice but only if combined with certain vitamins. This finding is contrary to the Community Trials here where Case Reports show fenbendazole alone to be effective. Since there is little downside and huge potential gain trying fenbendazole might be warranted.
Would it be advised to use FenBen as a prophylactic to prevent cancer???
Sorry to comment so many months after your question, but I follow a substack by Adam Gaertner (veryvirology) and he explains in one very technical post that he takes fenbendazole as a cancer preventive since he is a 20-year pack-a-day smoker. Here is a link to that post:
Thank you.
Dear Ben Fen, any specific protocols for stage 3 melanoma? Do you follow Joe Tippens protocol with additional curcumin, cbd oil, berberine (any evidence, case reports or other for these)? Recommendations for dosage of fenbendazole daily and is there a need to check LFTs? Thank you so much, in advance
Nothing else is needed except fenbendazole.
I would add that people should be on a sugar free diet with any kind of cancer. Cancer cells have a high metabolic rate and love sugars. High carbs and processed foods should be removed from the diet, and mild oxygenating exercise like walking (also relaxing) should become a lifestyle. Low oxygen levels appear to be an epigenetic switch that promotes the errant metabolism found in cancer. Lose weight if needed.
There are some protocols that are including treatment for blood sugar like metformin or berberine, giving the tumor cells less fuel.
A personal note: I have been a volunteer in a Type 1 diabetes study for decades, and when metformin first was introduced to the market, I asked two of the long-time diabetes researchers working in the study, one a physician and the other a nurse, about the drug.
Both said, vehemently, that no one should take metformin or any other of the Type 2 diabetes drugs -- because the clinical trials showed numerous safety issues that were being ignored for profits.
I asked my question in the 1990s, and I believe the advice of those researchers to this day. Every Type 2 diabetic I've known who took metformin or other T2D drugs has suffered ill effects of varying degrees. Just an FYI.
yes, my mother took it, and for the last 6 months of her life took steroids. Then she got pneumonia and went septic. Her blood oxygen 55 on intake.
This Case Report used 444 mg fenbendazole per day with no other substances. Fenben alone is sufficient to eradicate cancer. The only substance in the Tippens Protocol that is nevessary to eradicate cancer is fenben. However, if anyone feels more secure taking other substances, go for it…it won’t hurt and it won’t help either. FYI, the only thing that can override fenbendazole’s effect on cancer are covid boosters. Do not get covid boosters if treating cancer with fenbendazole!
Can you send me the link to buy 222 mg fenben pills ?
I just wrote a comment but seems to have disappeared. Panacur is disappearing from stores, friend is looking for his cat, and Walmart, Petsmart no luck. Tractor supply neither.
Try Amazon
Yeah, did. Also found a family owned feed store that still carries it. A pet store called me back and said their vet is reviewing requests for all dewormers.
Huh? It’s starting.
I have some on order from amazon for 222mg capsules from Nutriissa $49.95 for 120 caps.
I'm 39 y/o, started being treated for Stage 4 Gastric cancer (metastatic adenocarcinoma) with peritoneum mets, I had a tumor at the gastroesophageal junction, the doctors did chemo rounds first, then they did a total gastrectomy, then radiation, immunotherapy, more chemo, and most recently a liver resection. Now, the cancer is in both lobes of the liver, in the lining of the heart, lining of the abdomen, still in the peritoneum, and many surrounding lymph nodes. They basically told that I can have one last round of chemo and then that's it...
I recently discovered fenbendazole and I've been trying with alternative remedies alongside the traditional methods, but I'm very skeptical of whether it can work. I've been feeling very angry, and depressed..
I just want some guidance, I bought fenbendazole in powder form from Fenben Lab because I've heard that they have the best quality. Also, I've read some articles of how to take fenbendazole so, I ordered Tudca, Gamma E and Turmeric/Curcumin.. We live in New York so I don't have access to RSO. Is there a CBD oil or something similar to RSO accessible in NY?
Also does anyone tried protocols from ? Could someone tell me does this protocol has any potential?
The CBD oil, Curcumin, quercitin, frankincense, and berberine that Joe Tippins ( uses is from this link on his blog.. I hope you are doing well 🙏
Do not take fenben labs. Their product is only 7% . It has been tested. I have the exact same cancer and everything has shrunk and my stomach biopsies came back clear. Only Mets on ovaries left. Which also shrunk from 17cm to 10cm. I take safeguard. My mom buys it at a farm supple store, but we started buying it off Amazon so I could get it quicker, and even then you gotta watch for fake panacur c, even on Amazon. Make sure the expiry date is embossed, not printed. Do not take fenben labs. I feel so bad for anyone who takes it and gets sicker. They aren’t getting the real deal.
Where do you recommend purchasing Fenben if not Fenben Labs? Thanks.
No it’s not good. I wouldn’t take the chance. I purchase Merck from a local animal supply store. You can purchase it anywhere at any farm supply store. It comes as Panacur or Safeguard - dog, sheep and cattle dewormer, liquid or granules.
I use Safeguard granules currently. Whatever I can find. Been taking it almost a year. I wouldn’t mess around and try some random company from Lithuania - get the real stuff. Cancer is no joke
Thanks. How much of the powder do you take each day?
And it is absolutely critical to take some liver support with it. I take 500mg of tudca with each dose as well as 750mg pill (from Costco) of milk thistle which each dose.
My liver enzymes went up around Christmas when I upped to 666mg and added the milk thistle to the tudca and they went back down to normal
I take 888mg twice a day right now because I am still actively healing.
I started with 222mg twice a day and slowly built up to what I take now. I tried taking too much too fast before and got really sick…so I just kept upping it a tiny bit each week. I’ve been on this dose for about 2 months now. I buy the 4 gram pouches and take a full pouch (which equals 888mg) twice a day - around 1pm and 11pm
I have Fenben 444 mg but do not know how much powder to take that would be equal to 222 or 444 mg. That is why I asked how much powder you take. So for you to get 888 mg. how much powder do you use (1 tablespoon, 2 tablespoons etc.) AND what do you mix it with?
FenBen Labs is fine. I’ve seen it work firsthand.
you might as well try what else do you have to lose? Theress a lot of great stories of people using fenbendazole to great success, just make sure you're buying the fenbendazole from reliable sources..
Assuming you can absorb the fenbendazole…
You can take fenbendazole along with chemotherapy. If it was me I would take 444 mg in the AM and another 444 mg in the PM to maintain an effective serum level of fenbendazole for most of the day (half life ~ 7.5 hrs). No other substances are necessary as fenbendazole alone has worked for many people. It won't hurt to take the other substances but realize that they are not necessary. Best of luck, keep notes and keep us posted. PS FenBen Labs product is effective.
There is also liquid fenbendazole for sublingual administration.
I don’t know if most here have any experience in trying to convince loved ones or friends who may be in cancer’s crosshairs that this is worth researching and ultimately using. It seems like when the fact that it’s a canine dewormer comes up, I might kind of sound like a “snake oil salesman” - I don’t know. On the other hand, I feel like I’m not doing my duty if I don’t bring it up with them as a possible option. I have a sister in such a situation who simply takes everything her oncologist says/recommends at total face value and is leery about trying anything else. My opinion is, what do you have to lose? I guess I just wonder if others have run into similar resistance/skepticism?
We addressed this issue of talking to family in a previous article
Maybe this will help.
Preliminary observations...fenbendazole appears to be more effective treating fast growing, aggressive cancers while ivermectin may be more effective with slower growing cancers like some prostate cancers. Again, very preliminary observations on this end.
How would you rate fen ben vs ivermectin? Ive read that ivermectin is also anti cancer? Is it either or ? Both and?
I take both. Plus Niclosamide.
would you take this product?
or this one?
or this one?
If you take Fenbendazole, do you take it prophylactically or what?
Do not take fenben labs. Their product was tested only 7%. It’s a sham. Only take Merck, panacur or safeguard
Source, please, on the 7 percent?
We have personally used the first and the third listed products. They are equally effective in our hands.
Apparently the 3rd listed here @ Amazon removed? I tried more than once to find it... no where to be found! 😫 Bless you and Thank You!
I am a retired Registered Nurse who is so impressed with the case studies in your FenBen Substack! I have been sharing your information in as many places as l can!
The information you are sharing is such an incredible, worthwhile service to mankind!!!
At this time, l have a personal a fair-skinned person who has live in south Florida my entire life & who has a familial history of Melanoma skin cancer l was not surprised when a spot of Melanoma was found on my left shoulder 3 years ago. It was successfully surgically excised with "clear margins" & l now go for skin checks every 3 months.
I also have had many small areas of basal & sarcoma skin cancers removed over the past 25 years. I have been told that ALL these skin cancers are due to sun exposure from my recreational outdoor time in the Florida sun.
But l've also stumbled across much information that says Melanoma skin cancer may NOT be due to sun exposure & might be due to genetics. My mother died from a malignant Melanoma. Other close family members have (so far) survived Melanoma skin cancer with surgical removal.
This is my question: Because of my history, should l begin (as a prophalatic measure) taking FenBen? Would there be any benefit to doing such?
If so, how much & how often & for how long should l take it?
I will look forward to any recommendations you may have. Thank-you so much!
Eagerly anticipating your reply!
Sorry I didn't address your direct question. Taking fenbendazole as a preventative measure, given that you have discrete risk factors, is probably wise. Not to steal our own thunder but there is an article in the works examining the rationale of the preventative use of fenbendazole and the takeaway message is if you have risk factors it is a reasonable strategy given the safety profile of fenbendazole. The protocol, as of now and it may change, is this: Risk factors of any kind, 222 mg fenben once per week; No identifiable risk factors for any cancers 222 mg for 3 consecutive days, once every three months. The scientific 'problem' with prevention is in proving a negative, that is, if something doesn't happen how do you determine the role of the substance of interest? Given the proven mechanisms underpinning fenbendazole's effect on cancer cells and its effects in the field (these Case Reports and other reports) it is reasonable to expect that fenbendazole is highly likely to prevent as well as cure some cancers. Conceptually, that idea would suggest that a substance like fenbendazole, with little to no side effects, is an ideal candidate for an anti-cancer preventative as well. It also suggests that the continuum spanning prevention-to-cure may be accessed anywhere along that continuum by fenbendazole...which is an amazing possibility. Keep in mind that over a billion people in India take albendazole (fenbendazole equivalent) 400 mg twice per year to manage intestinal parasites regarding the safety profile of the drug.
Dear FenBen,
Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!
Your detailed, specific reply is greatly appreciated! Not only do l have a personal stake in the information you are is absolutely intellectually fascinating!
It goes without saying that the lives that could be potentially saved is mindboggling!
I repeat, this information is an incredible, worthwhile service to mankind. It needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
God bless you!
Hi Laurie. Thanks for the kind words and thank you for your comments! So much to say regarding melanomas...first, melanomas usually occur 'where the sun does not shine', meaning behind the knees, under covered skin, butt crack etc. So a direct irradiative mutagenic effect of the sun as the ONLY cause for melanomas is brought into question. What does play a factor in melanoma is chronic Vitamin D deficiency! Ah Ha! The plot thickens! The conventional 'wisdom' is that the sun is bad. However, the sun makes vitamin D, which is good. Avoiding the sun or slathering on sunscreen is actually a risk factor for melanoma...if you don't supplement with vitamin D. So the best way to reduce your risk of melanoma is to optimize your vitamin D levels to 80 - 100 ng/ml (this may require 5000 - 8000 IU vitamin D3 daily) AND sensible sun exposure. One curious phenomenon you may notice as you optimize vitamin D is that you're less likely to get a sunburn. Over time, your skin may actually darken slightly. Makes sense as skin tanning is an on-the-fly mutation in response to a environmental input...the sun. That system must monitor a bodily process to regulate itself and a factor related to chronic vitamin D status is most likely. Furthermore, getting your vitamin D into an optimal range will help stave off some of the ravages of aging caused by chronic inflammation. It is really quiet simple and fascinating.
Incredible info about Vit. D! I never worried about it before. Always tried to maintain a healthy diet. But with the onset of covid l did begin taking a Vit. D supplement as well as other supplements. My last blood level for Vit. D was WNL but l plan to increase my intake & get tested again on next doctor visit.
Who would have thought....something so simple....but it makes sense as modern life keeps most folks indoors most of the time out of the sunshine. Which is apparently so critical for human health!
Again, thank-you for all that you are doing to share this life-saving information!
A couple of notes on vitamin D--here is a great site regarding how to calculate your daily need for D, and how to quickly get yourself into "good" range.
Secondly, not all vitamin D supplements are created equally and some folks may (for whatever reason) have a difficult time getting that level up (myself included). I took several brands before I finally got results with Nature's Made (look for the USP certification on the bottle). And I've taken ones that included K and other absorption enhancing ingredients but still got tangible results with NM. That being said I take 10,000 units daily and my D was just tested and only 64.7ng/ml which is slightly lower than I would prefer. I've been taking this dose for at least a year. I've been taking Vitamin D pretty regularly for at least 6 years and have never once gotten the dreaded covid. (Naturally I did NOT inject myself with those useless toxic treatments being passed off as vaccines). Best of luck to you.
Just like with most things biological there are individual differences with respect to vitamin D measures and metabolism. One important difference is vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) which is what is measured in a serum vitD test. Some people have more VDBP, some have less, all independent of actual vitD level. So vitD level can appear low -despite taking lots of vitD - in those with lower VDBP and visa versa. So, what’s a girl to do? Take the amount to get into the sweet spot of immune system optimization (80-100 ng/ml) which would be 10,000 IU vitamin D3. Then listen to your body. If you have an autoimmune condition that resolves, you’re in your range. If it persists, up your dose by 2000 IU increments every 60 days until it does. If it still doesn’t resolve at 20,000 IU per day for 60 days, the condition is not vitD dependent and resume the 10,000 IU per day maintenance dose.
I actually have also read that Melanoma is not caused by the sun! I also spend a lot of time out in my garden or riding horses or doing farm chores out in the sunshine. I am going to go to the farm store, buy some Panacur paste for horses and dab it on the flaky red spots on my skin and see what happens. I think I will do before and after photos to make sure I can see if Panacur is working.
I treat my horses with Panacur once a year and I also give my barn cat a small dab in his kibble once a month but to be honest until I found this substack, I had never thought about taking it myself! This has changed everything. =)
I tried your suggestion regarding squamous cell lesions. Used ivermectin paste on the spot. It dried up and fell off in about 4 weeks.
that's awesome! I have a story about Fenben. My mom had squamous on her face right by her nose and eye. She put Fenben on it every evening and it dried up and went away.
I had a "age spot" on my hand for probably 25 years that appeared to be slow growing over time. I have been to numerous derm docs who didn't know what it was and told me its wasn't a big deal but for me it was starting to get itchy and it had raised rim around the out side of the spot. I started putting a small dab of Fenben on that spot each night before bed. The spot is gone was in 2 weeks.
I am not a person who uses drugs lightly. I research all aspects of drug use before I put it in my body. But Fenben and IVM are miracle drugs.
People are using ivermectin paste to treat squamous cell skin lesions. I did it on my forehead with a diagnosed squamous patch. Fenben in skin cream every day. The patch puckered up, dried up and fell off in about a month. No scar or anything. I sent my case study in here along with pictures. Don’t know if it is interesting enough to publish.
Ah horse people exactly who I was looking for! what about those gray horses that always get melanomas? have you considered treating those with the fen Ben? I would guess that the worming schedule is not enough for melanoma prevention... my barn owner says gray is not a color it's a disease, right? although I do know a gray 30-year-old Arabian who seems to not have any melanomas...
I had a grey arab when I was a kid. He never had melanomas in the 5 years that I owned him I went off to the Navy so I had to sadly sell him. A few years ago I had a paint mare who had a sarcoid on her eyelid. My vet thought it was a bug that had encrusted itself there. That diagnosis was wrong. So I had the same vet out since it didnt go away with in a few weeks and by now it was the size of a pea.
The vet suggested that we inject the sarcoid with cicplatin which is a tumor drug and it is supposed to make it go away. Instead the tumor got bigger. Like the size of a golf ball and in the mean while my mare started to hate this vet and would run when ever she saw her.
I eventually had to take this mare who was lame with navicular BTW and spend $2500 to have the tumor removed. 60 days later the tumor came back but it also brought its friends and there were 6 more small sarcoids. Knowing that I was not going to put my mare through this again, I started researching (which is what I should have done to begin with but I trusted my vet). I bought some organic Tea Tree oil and Frankincense. I rubbed these two oils on each sarcoid AM & PM and they started to go away. Eventually they all went away - was a couple of months.
This was all before I knew the Fenben was not only a dewormer, but also a cancer cure. Recently, my mom had some melanoma on her face. She has been applying a dab of fenben Panacur paste to the spot and now it is almost gone.
I had this weird "age mark" that the dermatologist told me there was nothing she could do. It was growing and raised. I went to 3 different derm docs. None knew what to do about it. It didn't hurt but occasionally it was itchy. I started putting a dab of Panacur paste on it before I went to bed. With in 2 weeks the raised spot was gone. I have a scar there now. So heres what I would do about your grey horse.
I would put panacur paste on the sarcoid AM & PM and watch what happens. Take photos of it every few days and measure the tumor with a measuring tape documenting the size and shape to see if there is any change. The photos are great for reference for later.
You can also have your vet remove those sarcoids, but that was terribly traumatic for my mare and I would never do that again.
We owned that mare for 12 years. She was the sweetest most kind horse I have ever owned. I loved her deeply but had to put her down in November because she could hardly walk any more. Her body had finally given out.
I wish you luck with your horse!
thank you so much for your information packed comment! so sorry you lost your horse, I know what that's like. really good about the essential oils and the sarcoids. I'm a big fan of iodine, and I've had two sarcoids on horses go away with high iodine supplements in the feed... the first one was by accident, he wasn't getting iodine for the sarcoid! I don't have a gray horse myself, my sister had one who had recurring melanomas. however I am going to pass on your suggestion to someone I know who probably won't use it, and to someone who is a friend of a friend and might be interested, but I don't know if she actually has a gray horse at the moment... I find it really really interesting that there are so many different remedies that work, it seems like there should be something for everyone!
I just did the fenbendazole paste trick on a squamous cell carcinoma on my scalp. It crusted up and fell off after about 4 weeks of daily application.
Curious, did you have any scarring there?
see my comments above. No scarring. Even for my mom who had squamous right by her eye.
its quite amazing isnt it?!!?!
Am considering using Panacur topically with DMSO for some skin lesions. Thoughts?
DMSO is a solvent, anything you have on your skin that you apply DMSO over will be carried directly into the tissues. I don't know if the other ingredients in Panacur would be a problem, but I do know that absorption through the skin is a real thing; the problem is that unlike something you take orally, it is not processed through the liver where things can be detoxed. you might want to get a pure fenbendazole if using DMSO.
Ah horse people exactly who I was looking for! what about those gray horses that always get melanomas? have you considered treating those with the fen Ben? I would guess that the worming schedule is not enough for melanoma prevention... my barn owner says gray is not a color it's a disease, right? although I do know a gray 30-year-old Arabian who seems to not have any melanomas...
I found a brief article about DSMO. I always have some on hand for sweating out a horse leg if he injures it and it is swollen. I have never used it personally.
As for horses legs and sweating, I always remember to either rub or wrap, but never both.
agreed. As for horses, I don't use DSMO very often even though I have it in my medicine chest in my tack room. I prefer ice 2x a day and Previcox.
That’s what I use it for as well. Thinking about how it will take whatever is on the skin into the system, hence the reason hands must be free of fly spray and other chemicals.
that's why I never considered DSMO for anything much. Its too unknown for me and I haven't spent a lot of research time going over it. I prefer to use as little chemicals in myself and horses.
I am not sure about DSMO. I does get hot and burns if you dont use it properly. I think it would depend on what kind of skin lesions you have and what caused them?
Dear AmericanVeteran,
Your plan to take before & after photos of any skin lesions is brilliant. Maybe you can post your outcomes on this Substack after a period of time!
Thank-you for your reply to my comment. Although the scamdemic has been terrible & has caused many to interact & has taught us a lot. I guess we can be grateful for the small favors that arise out of tragedy.
Stay well & God bless!
That would be great! Citizen-scientists designing experiments and collecting data! You're part of a budding paradigm of medical research. The covid fiasco exposed the corruption in the three-letter agencies that are supposed to protect us. It is up to us now to take charge of our own health.
Hi Ben, you said that Chris, was using Fenbendazole from "FenBen Lab. On the Fenbendazole Facebook group, Zahra Sita says whatever you do don't use FenBen Lab, this product from Lithuania. as it tests poorly. What's your opinion, is Z Sita just selling her own product or is there a problem with FenBen Lab? products? Thanks, Duane Hayes
Have not any any complaints/issues with FenBen Labs, it's what we use personally. I also purchased the Happy Healing brand as well, haven't used it yet. Personally, I sense a pissing match between those that recommend one brand of fenben over another, which is too bad because it taints the information provided on the site. Which is the main reason we do not charge for subscriptions, don't endorse anything or try to make money with this effort. It is a pay-it-forward project only...and we have learned so much NEW just in the 3 months the Substack has been active.
I think you’re right. I made a comment on another Substack a month or so ago about a young woman who’s home I had worked at that was battling cancer. I believe it may had been you suggesting I mention fenben. Well, I told the salesman who happened to be a family friend and he’s said she’s been taking it and they hope it works. I know it had metastasized so I hope it wasn’t too late but so far, so good.
Thanks for the clarification. If I recall correctly Zahra Sita was claiming that the FenBen Lab product only contained 7% Fenbendazole, which would appear to be an outrageous lie.
It’s not good. I think there’s a report posted on Amazon that was done showing that it’s not pure. Why take the chance? Take Merck, panacur or safeguard! Take the real deal and don’t gamble with your life. Just my opinion, and that’s what I take with success
Why do you never post the source of your claim about Fenben Labs?
All I know is that the FenBen Labs product saved THREE family members so far, so that's proof of strength of the product for me!
Check out fenbendazole .org . Along with much information on fenbendazole in general, they've done quality analysis four brands of fenbendazole. They actually rate FenBen Labs product as the purest of the bunch.
Would indicate that Zahra Sita is only promoting her own product.
I don’t think Zahra owns or has anything to do with happy healing. She just warns against fenben labs. I just take Merck…better to just get the real deal and not gamble with your life. Merck, panacur or safeguard is where it’s at. Get those and give yourself your best chance
This issue over the purity of Fen Ben Lab’s product is suspicious for at least two reasons. First, the Case Reports in this Substack clearly demonstrate that Fen Ben Lab’s product is effective. There is no doubt about that. Multiple people with different cancers have all been successful with Fen Ben Labs. Second, it is highly suspicious that this facebook group admin Zera seems to be slamming Fen Ben Labs in favor of Happy Healing. Both products seem equally effective…there is no controversy other than perhaps a self serving one.
I would like to know as well since I recall a comment once or post with their Amazon link here
I think the problem with Amazon is that there are counterfeits and Amazon makes no effort to root them out.
I was also worried about the counterfeits. Have you ordered from