Interested to know about the shiaqga rapid immune recovery drops as Frankincense swallowed can help eradicate cancer. Where is this found and what was the combination dosage? I believe this can potentiate and improve recovery from cancer
This is the protocol for my cancer warriors used forprostate cancer. for a smoker and have COPD.
Panacur oral suspension - started at 2.2ml which equals 222mg of active fenbendazole. Gradually worked up to around 8ml taken twice a day (16ml in total which equals 1600mg of fenbendazole).
30mg of CBD oil taken once daily before bed.
600mg of turmeric taken in capsule form once a day (safe to use if you're not on any blood thinners). The Joe Tippens protocol does recommend 600mg of Turmeric taken twice a day.
Vitamin C - approx 4000mg daily as magnesium ascorbate (this form is much better tolerated and less likely to cause loose stools which you will likely get with 4000mg of ascorbic acid vitamin C) Start at a lower dose and work up to 4000mg.
Berberis Vulgaris tincture - taken in drops (15 drops up to 3 times a day). This is a natural form of berberine which also blocks other sugar pathways that are said to feed cancer cells.
Cayenne Pepper - Used in spice form, dosage went from half a teaspoon initially and worked up to 1 teaspoon daily mixed in water.
Tudca is also highly recommended to support the liver, 500 mg 1-2 x daily. My relative used freshly picked home made stinging nettle tea. (If anyone would like more information on how to make and store a weeks worth of this nettle tea please just let me know).
After a few months some tumours were resolving whilst others appeared to have grown and the following scans showed continued improvements. All tumours had resolved after 15 months. No conventional medicine was used.
you can get this medication bypassing prescription from
PS Update, Jan 6, 2025, brain tumor, cavernous sinus meningioma
I've been using .75mg CBD Oil, the relaxing night version (relatively 0 - very little THC, less than 2% is considered no THC, if I remember correctly), and in some ways it helps with my sleep too, but then again with the 30mg of Melatonin I take at night (per FLCCC recommendations in Cancer Care) I'm having more vivid somewhat unpleasant dreams (but not really nightmares).
Since I'm closely following Dr William Makis, I'm utilizing his much higher dosing of both FenBen and Ivermectin (IVM). For FB 888mg/day, 6 days a week, taking a break on Sundays, using powder (mixed in 1 Tb organic extra virgin olive oil). I alternate the powder with the 444mg caps for convenience. IVM at 1mg/kg 3x/wk (Dr Makis recommends 1mg/kg 6-7 days a week for serious, aggressive cancers... mine is a tumor, albeit in the brain, but considered not to be aggressive, hence the 3x/wk IVM. , But, since I'm having my annual MRI end of March, I upped the dosages at the end of Dec 2024 from my prior posting. Because: 1) it won't harm me, and 2) I want to get more aggressive at this thing in my brain lest it become more aggressive against me! :)
So far, so good on this protocol (along with all my nutraceutical supps, recommended also by FLCCC, but none of their pharmaceuticals, some are ghastly, e.g., statins... but if you're dying of cancer, a few of their pharma's MAY be a sensible option, IMHO).
Just an update. I discontinued the anal injections, since they mostly seemed to be leaking back out at night and am going with FENBEN at 1500 MG/Day using the Merck Liquid form. In addition, I am taking 8,000 - 10,000 EU of Vitamin D,
I also stopped having anything to do with the doctors or the hospital. May return sometime late spring for an MRI. I let everyone know I was on the Tippens FENBEN protocol. Of course they all know about it, but are unable to speak on the matter. My cancer surgeon slipped up because at first he acted like he never heard of Fenbendazole as a treatment for cancer, then later said, "I haven't heard it works on your type of cancer". So, since all he wanted to do was remove my anus and put a colostomy bag on me, even though the tumor may well have been nothing more than a signal remnant from the radiation treatment received, I decided to move on.
For me it was not relevant to continue to submit to these follow-up tests because I feel so good now and am symptom free.
After reading a good bit of what Dr. William Makus @MakusMD has been posting on, I went ahead and started taking Ivermectin @ 1mg/Kg of body weight. I can tell you that this combination has had a positive effect to help with my healing, regularity, and appetite. Maybe it's psychological, but I'm feeling like the combination of the two protocols is wonderful.
Just wanted to take the time to update my story. I started the second round of Chemo after the first round of Chemo/Radiation ended in Early Nov of 2023. I rested until the first stack tests were done at the end of November, 2023 that still showed the presence of cancer although the size of the tumor was down significantly. I started Chemo Therapy in December which consisted of an infusion of one type of chemo therapy and the same chemo pills I had taken during the first round. The treatment was two infusions (1/week) with an increase of about 10% in the number of chemo pills I was to take daily. The schedule was to be two weeks on and one week of rest, starting in December of 2023 and lasting through May of 2024. The infusion caused extreme sensitivity to cold and neuropathy in my hands and feet. I went through one two-week treatment and started the second round of the series. About 9 days into the second round, I was as sick as I had been after about 5 weeks of Chemo/Radiation, with no appetite, shortness of breath and extreme diarrhea. I had a very heightened sense of smell, but everything smelled bad. I visited with my oncologist and we made the decision to bypass the pills and install a port in my chest to allow both cancer "medicines" to be infused, which would also require the use of a small pump to finish infusing the cancer drugs after I left the infusion room. About 3 days later my legs swelled badly and I called everything off. My oncologist called for a doppler on my legs and an echo on my heart to assess for any heart damage that might have been present. In addition my diarrhea (I lever looked at it, just kept flushing) had been full of blood and subsequent testing showed a loss of about 30% of my hemoglobin. My oncologist said, "We have a laundry list of side effects this treatment can cause, and it appears you have all of them."
That was enough of a message from God to cause me to decide to stop any further chemo therapy.
After considering the nature of this cancer, which is located very close to the anal opening and not within the body cavity, and in my opinion, not being continually bathed in blood and other bodily fluids, I made the decision to start injecting SafeGuard Liquid directly into my anus. I started with a lower rate of 225 Mg, and over time have increased it to around 700 Mg/day. So, I'm taking the SafeGuard paste orally with 1Tbl of Olive Oil and injecting the SafeGuard liquid anally at 700 mg/day as well. I have had no side effects from this regime and believe the rectal administration may be the best way to attack this cancer, since there are no digestive issues and the tumor is being hammered with full strength Fenbendazole. Secondly, after reading about this approach that has already been employed by the medical industry for certain medications, I'm fairly certain the FenBen is being absorbed into my body through the anus. I had another stack test on March 19th which showed a reduction in size to the extent that my cancer surgeon determined the tumor was sufficiently small enough to allow us to watch and wait. He set up an intermittent sigmoidoscopy only, for early May and that was done last week. The results showed another 50% reduction in the remaining scar/tumor (As the MRI doctors have named it) from the two sets of stack tests received. We will have another stack test done in late June of this year. The CT and Pelvic MRI show no evidence of disease by the way. My only disappointment at this point in time is that we have not made it to "no evidence of disease", as the biopsy received still shows a cancer signal.
But the good news is that I feel great, I am symptom free, my energy and strength have returned and at this point in time am convinced I can now manage this monster regardless of whether or not we kill it completely. My feeling is that we will be able to make that happen over time and I am continuing with the safeguard regimen along with 2 multi-vitamins per day and 5000 IU of Vitamin D, 2400 mg of Tumric and 125mg CBD. Will keep you updated on the next stack tests scheduled for about 5 weeks from now.
My forensic/integrative doctor encouraged me to go ahead and try the CBD oil .25 mg/day per the Joe Tippin's updated protocol I was using, (up to then, minus the cbd). She said there was much evidence (and some research, only "some" because not enough $$$ for big pharma) re: CBD's powerful anti-cancer effects. So I ordered some from (no THC, so they can mail it in some states). I have Cavernous Sinus Meningioma, 3cm brain tumor, (diagnosed Dec 21, 2023), and I'm utilizing aspects of Tippins, FLCCC Cancer Care, and other bits I pick up from sources I trust.
MCT oil is taken from coconut oil, and I have not heard anything re; Anti-cancer properties. I would not swap it with CBD.
FYI: I focus on Fenben & Meben (purchased the latter from India, at about .27 per 100mg tablet--recommended by FLCCC), 444mg / day, Ivermectin (12mg/day) and cbd oil, and a truck load of recommended supplements. I don't do the other drugs FLCCC recommends. Too toxic in my opinion, but maybe better than chemo/radiation. But hey, Occom's Razor, Keep it simple (and safe!) ...if non toxic Fenben kills the cancer, why take the severely toxic pharmaceuticals?
Probably told you way more than you wanted to know, but I'm just SO excited about self treating with solidly evidence based Fenben, IVM, CBD and nutraceuticals! :)
The Merck brand of Fenbendazole is lab tested by independent laboratories and guaranteed to contain the % active ingredient stated on the label. Just something to consider.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to receive this from you. The fact that you took the time to sit down and write this. I hung on every word. Yes, we ARE going to heal ourselves with GOD’s guidance and your message to me is part of that guidance. We need to stay in touch and compare notes. There are things that would help us to know. Things like are there any side effects we should be looking for? There is a site I found that you should be interested in. If you don’t have the $35 a month, I can search out answers for you do you don’t have to sign up. Anyway, GODBLESS ! Safe travels, good good, quiet children and a doctor who IS a doctor.
So, I have a question for anyone here that might be able to help. Within the cancer killing protocol there is a recurring theme of a few drops of CBD oil just before bed. What value does that bring and can MCT oil be utilized instead?
Hey Max, the above post was for you. I forgot to hit reply. And I am so sorry about your recent diagnosis. Stick around here and your hope and knowledge will increase! Share with your poor wife. I try to read some of these case reports and comments each day; They lift me up, and my husband too. :) Keep taking the Fenben, learn about the different protocols and recommendations.
It seems a good idea to take the Fenben with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, some say 1 Tb. I use 2 tsp (I chew up the tablets with the oil, or if a capsule I swallow with the oil then water, or if it's powder, I dissolve 1/8 tsp (225mg) into the oil, then swallow). In research studies re Fenben they frequently describe under "methods" utilizing an oil in which to mix the Fenben before administering it orally to the lab mice.
This is my cancer case exactly. We just returned home yesterday carrying the bad news; just like this case. The meds showed up yesterday and I have my first doses down the hatch. I would cherish a conversation with you regarding your case so that might gain insight I don’t have now. My wife is devastated! I am in good spirits, pray all the time, eat well (now), stay hydrated with mountain water (no fluoride or chlorine) and stay active. I have lost energy yet. Any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Wow. I am so encouraged by these stories. I have a friend who is sending her father to hospice today. He had cancer that was treated about two years ago and put into remission. After a series of Covid shots and boosters, it returned with a vengeance. Basically, in May 2023 he was pronounced clear of cancer at one of his screenings. He started becoming symptomatic in September, went into hospital in December (he was absolutely loaded with cancer at that point, stage four). He won't likely see St. Patrick's Day in a few weeks. This has exactly followed the path of the "turbo cancers" that some brave doctors are talking about.
As soon as he went into hospital in December, I told them about the fenbendazole, and sent all all sorts of documents and research. The answer… "If it was that good, it would have been on TV".
The more of these stories that I read, the more I think that instead of going to hospice today, he could be going home today.
So sorry to hear that, it seems to be the repeat scenario, I lost my mom and others to cancer wish I knew about this stuff back then. But helping others right now. My year old dog got diagnosed with cancer and after having a operation I purposely skipped the follow-up with the vet oncologists - I got my dog a prescription for low dose naltrexone but my ex-girlfriend that I own the dog with was worried about me giving it to the dog so she stopped that- I got the dog on a very very low carbo diet with healthy meats and some vegetables- I wish I knew about fenbendazole then and Ivermectin I also wish I knew about that when my mother died 9 years ago from cancer obviously- but my dog lived a healthy happy life for almost another year and probably would have lived longer but a family member didn't give the dog one of her other meds she needed and that probably resulted in her dying at 16 years old or maybe the tumor around her aorta burst - but I didn't do any poison chemo and she lived a happy last year of her life with her cancer someone under control - with fenbendazole and Ivermectin maybe she would have made it longer but 16 is pretty old for a dog
and she was happy and running around until the very end.
Morning, I'm not a person who post comments however, you're article came to me as I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer which maybe metastasize, I'll know real soon on that issue.
I was looking to ask if you may have any knowledge of or point me in a direction as to whom I could research and/or make contact with concerning Alternative treatments and/or 2nd opinions.
The article was outstanding and the medical providers sound wonderful however, I'm in the DC region and I'm not very knowledgeable about who's who in the area.
I am currently watching a friend's father enter hospice today… I have seen the treatment that he has received at the hands of oncologists. None of their treatments have worked, they have written him off, and they absolutely refuse to look outside of the box at anything else. I hate to be a dash of cold water, but I suspect that you will meet with the same.
My advice to you? You are on your own with this. Most of the people that you read about on this substack did not save themselves under any sort of medical care… They had to break free of the medical system and treat themselves, in order to save their own life.
High-quality fenbendazole can be purchased from At checkout, use the coupon code FENBEN10 to get 10% off. I purchased some about three days ago and used this coupon code, and it worked. Then you go to the website There you will find dosages and protocols for treating both parasite infections and cancers. If you think that your doctor is going to try this medication on you… You may be sorely disappointed.
Good luck, don't wait around too long before doing this, they are trying to kill you… Don't comply.
Hi Zucker rat, I followed a number of folks who replied similar to you and found FLCCC and their study which now I'm taking part in. You are quite right you must become your own advocate and research the heck out of all this information.
This is one of the most spectacular cancer survival accounts I have read, PLUS there wasn't very much - if anything- definitely synergistic with the FenBen. Including no traditional medical treatments. It seems likely that all credit goes 1st to the Lord God, and then to Fenbendazole! I had a really good friend die of esophageal cancer a few years ago. If I had only known then what I know now. Thanks for this report!
My dad has been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. It's adenocarcinoma of unknown origin. The blood DNA test and both biopsy came back inconclusive so they don't know where it originated from. His PET scan literally lite up like a Christmas tree. It's in his brain, back of tongue, larynx, esophagus, lung, kidneys, liver, bowels, bones that were previously fractured and lymph nodes. I started him on 444mg of fenben from sanare lab, but I think I might need to switch brands. He is also taking vit d 5000 iu, multi vits, and RSO. We just started his protocol 2 weeks ago so not sure if anything is working as of now. Reading these substacks really give me hope and will be trying multiple routes. He has had 3 sessions of radiation and will start chemo in 2 weeks on his birthday. They are using 3 different meds 2 times a week for 12 weeks to see if any progress is made. Hopefully when he gets more tests after the chemo we will see progress. I will keep updates going if anyone is interested.
Lindsey, I just came across your comment. Not to add even more supplements to your list, but you may want to research something called Paw Paw by Nature's Sunshine. You can find it on Amazon and read the comments. This also seems to be helping people with various ailments. Just an FYI. I will say a prayer for your dad's health and well-being.
Did he get the covid shots? Looks like turboCancer. Also be mindful of something called cachexia caused by chemotherapy. This is a chronic wasting-type disease that may be more deadly than the cancer…although your dad’s cancers seem extensive.
Lindsey, one more thing. You also might want to consider a fantastic book off of Amazon called How to Starve Cancer by Jane McLelland. It's an international bestseller and well worth your time. It is VERY thorough, perhaps in an overwhelming way, but it really goes into the intricacies of cancer and what fuels specific cancers, etc
Fenben Lab is one that a lot of people are reporting using successfully. Go to
They ship worldwide for free.
At checkout, use the coupon code FENBEN10 to get a 10% discount. I just purchased some from them the other day, and that code works. It is cheaper to purchase it this way than it is to to purchase from Amazon. It is third-party tested, and you will receive a certificate with it.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer in July of 2023 with a 5cm x 3cm tumor just above my anus along with an enlarged lymph node in my pelvic region measuring about 2 cm. The tumor has penetrated into the outer wall of the rectum and the pain and nerve irritation I was experiencing was significant.
Searched the internet and found the Tippens protocol and started about mid July with 450 mg/day, 1200 Mg of Curcumin once/day, 1 Multivitamin & Vitamin D3 daily along with CBD oil at 24 ML per day ( I've since switched to Olive Oil after reading about it on this blog).
Started Chemo/Radiation for 6 weeks on 9/11 and had the first stack test done 3 weeks after treatment stopped, which was probably a little too soon to evaluate the effectiveness of the Chemo/Radiation. Radiation works in the body for about 6 weeks after treatment stops, according to the doctors treating me. In addition, I had only been on the FenBen protocol for a little over 4 months at the time the stack tests were made.
At any rate the tumor has shrunk significantly, to the extent the MRI reading referred to it as a scab and NED anywhere else in my body. My doctor still believes there may be something left of the tumor, and their protocol for this type of cancer is to administer first the chemo/radiation and afterwards, with chemo therapy. Something they are very proud of, since earlier methodology was to remove the anus after Chemo/radiation. So, for the benefit of everyone involved, I've agreed to continue with the second phase of their protocol. (Hard to imagine this was the only option for people with my type of cancer 10 years ago.)
I'm completely symptom free at this point in time, no blood and no irritation that I was experiencing prior to starting the protocol and Chemo/Radiation. I'm feeling better than I have in some time and am quite confident the FenBen has helped shrink the enlarged lymph node and prevented any other metastasis from forming.
I'll update my status as time goes by and would appreciate any feedback from others with similar condition.
That would be great news. My fear was that the tumor was not in the body cavity, being constantly bathed by fenbendazole before it is metabolized. I even played with the idea of inserting the FenBen directly into my anus, since the tumor was so close to the opening. Bizarre idea maybe, but it's still on the table for me.
The store "Healthy Drops " has a liposomal fenbendazole. Check out liposomal products.happy healing store has a "fen Ben bio " that supposedly is more absorbable even without fats although I would definitely take it with fats or olive oil . I've heard of people using medical grade DMSO to make things more absorbable. You could probably make a suppository. I know people do rectal ozone therapy.
Your welcome ! I have also ordered ivermectin , Mebendazole ( about 40 cents for 100 mg pill) and other things from all day chemist in India it takes a couple of weeks to get to the US. Low dose naltrexone or LDN is the immuno booster and immunomodulator. You can get a script for it through a televisit - it has been used for decades to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases
I have a couple thousand Ivermectin pills from India from two different sources and believe this product is factory made to high standards. Every pack is stamped and labeled by machine. No reason to believe otherwise.
Started back up w/ another 2 wks of Chemo. Pills and an infusion, 2 weeks on and one week off. After two rounds, I started having severe side effects and have elected to stop treatment and do another round of Stack Tests while I heal. I started injecting the liquid Fenben, 5 ML with 1 ML of olive oil, daily. This bypasses the digestive process and because the tumor is near the anal opening, I liken the scenario to a living petri dish. Peer reviewed studies in the USA show that Fenbendazole, when applied directly to living cancer cells is devastating to them. So, I have the fenbendazole bypassing my digestive system entirely, at around 400 to 450 MG per dose. A little of the FenBen sticks to the utinsels used to prepare the mix. Nothing to lose at this point and I'm happy to report, no side effects.
Roelm2, if you get the chance look up a book on Amazon called "The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3". It is very informative. You can take extremely high doses as long as it is accompanied by K2. I've been taking 50,000 mg a day for almost two years with no ill effects. My levels are very high as you can imagine, but the author goes into what those high doses per day can actually do for your immune system. There is also a second book you might choose to read also called "How Not To Die With True High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy". Just an FYI
Interested to know about the shiaqga rapid immune recovery drops as Frankincense swallowed can help eradicate cancer. Where is this found and what was the combination dosage? I believe this can potentiate and improve recovery from cancer
This is the protocol for my cancer warriors used forprostate cancer. for a smoker and have COPD.
Panacur oral suspension - started at 2.2ml which equals 222mg of active fenbendazole. Gradually worked up to around 8ml taken twice a day (16ml in total which equals 1600mg of fenbendazole).
30mg of CBD oil taken once daily before bed.
600mg of turmeric taken in capsule form once a day (safe to use if you're not on any blood thinners). The Joe Tippens protocol does recommend 600mg of Turmeric taken twice a day.
Vitamin C - approx 4000mg daily as magnesium ascorbate (this form is much better tolerated and less likely to cause loose stools which you will likely get with 4000mg of ascorbic acid vitamin C) Start at a lower dose and work up to 4000mg.
Berberis Vulgaris tincture - taken in drops (15 drops up to 3 times a day). This is a natural form of berberine which also blocks other sugar pathways that are said to feed cancer cells.
Cayenne Pepper - Used in spice form, dosage went from half a teaspoon initially and worked up to 1 teaspoon daily mixed in water.
Tudca is also highly recommended to support the liver, 500 mg 1-2 x daily. My relative used freshly picked home made stinging nettle tea. (If anyone would like more information on how to make and store a weeks worth of this nettle tea please just let me know).
After a few months some tumours were resolving whilst others appeared to have grown and the following scans showed continued improvements. All tumours had resolved after 15 months. No conventional medicine was used.
you can get this medication bypassing prescription from
PS Update, Jan 6, 2025, brain tumor, cavernous sinus meningioma
I've been using .75mg CBD Oil, the relaxing night version (relatively 0 - very little THC, less than 2% is considered no THC, if I remember correctly), and in some ways it helps with my sleep too, but then again with the 30mg of Melatonin I take at night (per FLCCC recommendations in Cancer Care) I'm having more vivid somewhat unpleasant dreams (but not really nightmares).
Since I'm closely following Dr William Makis, I'm utilizing his much higher dosing of both FenBen and Ivermectin (IVM). For FB 888mg/day, 6 days a week, taking a break on Sundays, using powder (mixed in 1 Tb organic extra virgin olive oil). I alternate the powder with the 444mg caps for convenience. IVM at 1mg/kg 3x/wk (Dr Makis recommends 1mg/kg 6-7 days a week for serious, aggressive cancers... mine is a tumor, albeit in the brain, but considered not to be aggressive, hence the 3x/wk IVM. , But, since I'm having my annual MRI end of March, I upped the dosages at the end of Dec 2024 from my prior posting. Because: 1) it won't harm me, and 2) I want to get more aggressive at this thing in my brain lest it become more aggressive against me! :)
So far, so good on this protocol (along with all my nutraceutical supps, recommended also by FLCCC, but none of their pharmaceuticals, some are ghastly, e.g., statins... but if you're dying of cancer, a few of their pharma's MAY be a sensible option, IMHO).
Best of luck and please keep us updated on your progress.
Just an update. I discontinued the anal injections, since they mostly seemed to be leaking back out at night and am going with FENBEN at 1500 MG/Day using the Merck Liquid form. In addition, I am taking 8,000 - 10,000 EU of Vitamin D,
I also stopped having anything to do with the doctors or the hospital. May return sometime late spring for an MRI. I let everyone know I was on the Tippens FENBEN protocol. Of course they all know about it, but are unable to speak on the matter. My cancer surgeon slipped up because at first he acted like he never heard of Fenbendazole as a treatment for cancer, then later said, "I haven't heard it works on your type of cancer". So, since all he wanted to do was remove my anus and put a colostomy bag on me, even though the tumor may well have been nothing more than a signal remnant from the radiation treatment received, I decided to move on.
For me it was not relevant to continue to submit to these follow-up tests because I feel so good now and am symptom free.
After reading a good bit of what Dr. William Makus @MakusMD has been posting on, I went ahead and started taking Ivermectin @ 1mg/Kg of body weight. I can tell you that this combination has had a positive effect to help with my healing, regularity, and appetite. Maybe it's psychological, but I'm feeling like the combination of the two protocols is wonderful.
Good to hear!
Question: How could the person take all those supplements w bad ESOPHAGUS..??
With GI cancers absorption can become a problem in later stages.
a Friend w Esophageal cancer just has feeding tube & it is easily clogged :(
(can't swallow either)
Just wanted to take the time to update my story. I started the second round of Chemo after the first round of Chemo/Radiation ended in Early Nov of 2023. I rested until the first stack tests were done at the end of November, 2023 that still showed the presence of cancer although the size of the tumor was down significantly. I started Chemo Therapy in December which consisted of an infusion of one type of chemo therapy and the same chemo pills I had taken during the first round. The treatment was two infusions (1/week) with an increase of about 10% in the number of chemo pills I was to take daily. The schedule was to be two weeks on and one week of rest, starting in December of 2023 and lasting through May of 2024. The infusion caused extreme sensitivity to cold and neuropathy in my hands and feet. I went through one two-week treatment and started the second round of the series. About 9 days into the second round, I was as sick as I had been after about 5 weeks of Chemo/Radiation, with no appetite, shortness of breath and extreme diarrhea. I had a very heightened sense of smell, but everything smelled bad. I visited with my oncologist and we made the decision to bypass the pills and install a port in my chest to allow both cancer "medicines" to be infused, which would also require the use of a small pump to finish infusing the cancer drugs after I left the infusion room. About 3 days later my legs swelled badly and I called everything off. My oncologist called for a doppler on my legs and an echo on my heart to assess for any heart damage that might have been present. In addition my diarrhea (I lever looked at it, just kept flushing) had been full of blood and subsequent testing showed a loss of about 30% of my hemoglobin. My oncologist said, "We have a laundry list of side effects this treatment can cause, and it appears you have all of them."
That was enough of a message from God to cause me to decide to stop any further chemo therapy.
After considering the nature of this cancer, which is located very close to the anal opening and not within the body cavity, and in my opinion, not being continually bathed in blood and other bodily fluids, I made the decision to start injecting SafeGuard Liquid directly into my anus. I started with a lower rate of 225 Mg, and over time have increased it to around 700 Mg/day. So, I'm taking the SafeGuard paste orally with 1Tbl of Olive Oil and injecting the SafeGuard liquid anally at 700 mg/day as well. I have had no side effects from this regime and believe the rectal administration may be the best way to attack this cancer, since there are no digestive issues and the tumor is being hammered with full strength Fenbendazole. Secondly, after reading about this approach that has already been employed by the medical industry for certain medications, I'm fairly certain the FenBen is being absorbed into my body through the anus. I had another stack test on March 19th which showed a reduction in size to the extent that my cancer surgeon determined the tumor was sufficiently small enough to allow us to watch and wait. He set up an intermittent sigmoidoscopy only, for early May and that was done last week. The results showed another 50% reduction in the remaining scar/tumor (As the MRI doctors have named it) from the two sets of stack tests received. We will have another stack test done in late June of this year. The CT and Pelvic MRI show no evidence of disease by the way. My only disappointment at this point in time is that we have not made it to "no evidence of disease", as the biopsy received still shows a cancer signal.
But the good news is that I feel great, I am symptom free, my energy and strength have returned and at this point in time am convinced I can now manage this monster regardless of whether or not we kill it completely. My feeling is that we will be able to make that happen over time and I am continuing with the safeguard regimen along with 2 multi-vitamins per day and 5000 IU of Vitamin D, 2400 mg of Tumric and 125mg CBD. Will keep you updated on the next stack tests scheduled for about 5 weeks from now.
My forensic/integrative doctor encouraged me to go ahead and try the CBD oil .25 mg/day per the Joe Tippin's updated protocol I was using, (up to then, minus the cbd). She said there was much evidence (and some research, only "some" because not enough $$$ for big pharma) re: CBD's powerful anti-cancer effects. So I ordered some from (no THC, so they can mail it in some states). I have Cavernous Sinus Meningioma, 3cm brain tumor, (diagnosed Dec 21, 2023), and I'm utilizing aspects of Tippins, FLCCC Cancer Care, and other bits I pick up from sources I trust.
MCT oil is taken from coconut oil, and I have not heard anything re; Anti-cancer properties. I would not swap it with CBD.
FYI: I focus on Fenben & Meben (purchased the latter from India, at about .27 per 100mg tablet--recommended by FLCCC), 444mg / day, Ivermectin (12mg/day) and cbd oil, and a truck load of recommended supplements. I don't do the other drugs FLCCC recommends. Too toxic in my opinion, but maybe better than chemo/radiation. But hey, Occom's Razor, Keep it simple (and safe!) ...if non toxic Fenben kills the cancer, why take the severely toxic pharmaceuticals?
Probably told you way more than you wanted to know, but I'm just SO excited about self treating with solidly evidence based Fenben, IVM, CBD and nutraceuticals! :)
The Merck brand of Fenbendazole is lab tested by independent laboratories and guaranteed to contain the % active ingredient stated on the label. Just something to consider.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to receive this from you. The fact that you took the time to sit down and write this. I hung on every word. Yes, we ARE going to heal ourselves with GOD’s guidance and your message to me is part of that guidance. We need to stay in touch and compare notes. There are things that would help us to know. Things like are there any side effects we should be looking for? There is a site I found that you should be interested in. If you don’t have the $35 a month, I can search out answers for you do you don’t have to sign up. Anyway, GODBLESS ! Safe travels, good good, quiet children and a doctor who IS a doctor.
So, I have a question for anyone here that might be able to help. Within the cancer killing protocol there is a recurring theme of a few drops of CBD oil just before bed. What value does that bring and can MCT oil be utilized instead?
Hey Max, the above post was for you. I forgot to hit reply. And I am so sorry about your recent diagnosis. Stick around here and your hope and knowledge will increase! Share with your poor wife. I try to read some of these case reports and comments each day; They lift me up, and my husband too. :) Keep taking the Fenben, learn about the different protocols and recommendations.
It seems a good idea to take the Fenben with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, some say 1 Tb. I use 2 tsp (I chew up the tablets with the oil, or if a capsule I swallow with the oil then water, or if it's powder, I dissolve 1/8 tsp (225mg) into the oil, then swallow). In research studies re Fenben they frequently describe under "methods" utilizing an oil in which to mix the Fenben before administering it orally to the lab mice.
God bless and heal and encourage you.
This is my cancer case exactly. We just returned home yesterday carrying the bad news; just like this case. The meds showed up yesterday and I have my first doses down the hatch. I would cherish a conversation with you regarding your case so that might gain insight I don’t have now. My wife is devastated! I am in good spirits, pray all the time, eat well (now), stay hydrated with mountain water (no fluoride or chlorine) and stay active. I have lost energy yet. Any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Wow. I am so encouraged by these stories. I have a friend who is sending her father to hospice today. He had cancer that was treated about two years ago and put into remission. After a series of Covid shots and boosters, it returned with a vengeance. Basically, in May 2023 he was pronounced clear of cancer at one of his screenings. He started becoming symptomatic in September, went into hospital in December (he was absolutely loaded with cancer at that point, stage four). He won't likely see St. Patrick's Day in a few weeks. This has exactly followed the path of the "turbo cancers" that some brave doctors are talking about.
As soon as he went into hospital in December, I told them about the fenbendazole, and sent all all sorts of documents and research. The answer… "If it was that good, it would have been on TV".
The more of these stories that I read, the more I think that instead of going to hospice today, he could be going home today.
So sorry to hear that, it seems to be the repeat scenario, I lost my mom and others to cancer wish I knew about this stuff back then. But helping others right now. My year old dog got diagnosed with cancer and after having a operation I purposely skipped the follow-up with the vet oncologists - I got my dog a prescription for low dose naltrexone but my ex-girlfriend that I own the dog with was worried about me giving it to the dog so she stopped that- I got the dog on a very very low carbo diet with healthy meats and some vegetables- I wish I knew about fenbendazole then and Ivermectin I also wish I knew about that when my mother died 9 years ago from cancer obviously- but my dog lived a healthy happy life for almost another year and probably would have lived longer but a family member didn't give the dog one of her other meds she needed and that probably resulted in her dying at 16 years old or maybe the tumor around her aorta burst - but I didn't do any poison chemo and she lived a happy last year of her life with her cancer someone under control - with fenbendazole and Ivermectin maybe she would have made it longer but 16 is pretty old for a dog
and she was happy and running around until the very end.
Morning, I'm not a person who post comments however, you're article came to me as I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer which maybe metastasize, I'll know real soon on that issue.
I was looking to ask if you may have any knowledge of or point me in a direction as to whom I could research and/or make contact with concerning Alternative treatments and/or 2nd opinions.
The article was outstanding and the medical providers sound wonderful however, I'm in the DC region and I'm not very knowledgeable about who's who in the area.
I am currently watching a friend's father enter hospice today… I have seen the treatment that he has received at the hands of oncologists. None of their treatments have worked, they have written him off, and they absolutely refuse to look outside of the box at anything else. I hate to be a dash of cold water, but I suspect that you will meet with the same.
My advice to you? You are on your own with this. Most of the people that you read about on this substack did not save themselves under any sort of medical care… They had to break free of the medical system and treat themselves, in order to save their own life.
High-quality fenbendazole can be purchased from At checkout, use the coupon code FENBEN10 to get 10% off. I purchased some about three days ago and used this coupon code, and it worked. Then you go to the website There you will find dosages and protocols for treating both parasite infections and cancers. If you think that your doctor is going to try this medication on you… You may be sorely disappointed.
Good luck, don't wait around too long before doing this, they are trying to kill you… Don't comply.
So true.
Hi Zucker rat, I followed a number of folks who replied similar to you and found FLCCC and their study which now I'm taking part in. You are quite right you must become your own advocate and research the heck out of all this information.
This is one of the most spectacular cancer survival accounts I have read, PLUS there wasn't very much - if anything- definitely synergistic with the FenBen. Including no traditional medical treatments. It seems likely that all credit goes 1st to the Lord God, and then to Fenbendazole! I had a really good friend die of esophageal cancer a few years ago. If I had only known then what I know now. Thanks for this report!
My dad has been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. It's adenocarcinoma of unknown origin. The blood DNA test and both biopsy came back inconclusive so they don't know where it originated from. His PET scan literally lite up like a Christmas tree. It's in his brain, back of tongue, larynx, esophagus, lung, kidneys, liver, bowels, bones that were previously fractured and lymph nodes. I started him on 444mg of fenben from sanare lab, but I think I might need to switch brands. He is also taking vit d 5000 iu, multi vits, and RSO. We just started his protocol 2 weeks ago so not sure if anything is working as of now. Reading these substacks really give me hope and will be trying multiple routes. He has had 3 sessions of radiation and will start chemo in 2 weeks on his birthday. They are using 3 different meds 2 times a week for 12 weeks to see if any progress is made. Hopefully when he gets more tests after the chemo we will see progress. I will keep updates going if anyone is interested.
Lindsey, I just came across your comment. Not to add even more supplements to your list, but you may want to research something called Paw Paw by Nature's Sunshine. You can find it on Amazon and read the comments. This also seems to be helping people with various ailments. Just an FYI. I will say a prayer for your dad's health and well-being.
Yes. Please keep reporting your Dad’s progress.
Will do
Did he get the covid shots? Looks like turboCancer. Also be mindful of something called cachexia caused by chemotherapy. This is a chronic wasting-type disease that may be more deadly than the cancer…although your dad’s cancers seem extensive.
No COVID shots. He's smarter than that. I will definitely look into the side effects, but at this point what do we have to lose
Lindsey, one more thing. You also might want to consider a fantastic book off of Amazon called How to Starve Cancer by Jane McLelland. It's an international bestseller and well worth your time. It is VERY thorough, perhaps in an overwhelming way, but it really goes into the intricacies of cancer and what fuels specific cancers, etc
Can you recommend a daily dosage amount of Ivermectin?
Is there a specific brand of Fenbendazole to purchase? I see so many choices and want a reputable manufacturer. Help?
Fenben Lab is one that a lot of people are reporting using successfully. Go to
They ship worldwide for free.
At checkout, use the coupon code FENBEN10 to get a 10% discount. I just purchased some from them the other day, and that code works. It is cheaper to purchase it this way than it is to to purchase from Amazon. It is third-party tested, and you will receive a certificate with it.
Thank you!
The most common used brands that have had results are panacur, safeguard, happy healing store and fenben lab.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer in July of 2023 with a 5cm x 3cm tumor just above my anus along with an enlarged lymph node in my pelvic region measuring about 2 cm. The tumor has penetrated into the outer wall of the rectum and the pain and nerve irritation I was experiencing was significant.
Searched the internet and found the Tippens protocol and started about mid July with 450 mg/day, 1200 Mg of Curcumin once/day, 1 Multivitamin & Vitamin D3 daily along with CBD oil at 24 ML per day ( I've since switched to Olive Oil after reading about it on this blog).
Started Chemo/Radiation for 6 weeks on 9/11 and had the first stack test done 3 weeks after treatment stopped, which was probably a little too soon to evaluate the effectiveness of the Chemo/Radiation. Radiation works in the body for about 6 weeks after treatment stops, according to the doctors treating me. In addition, I had only been on the FenBen protocol for a little over 4 months at the time the stack tests were made.
At any rate the tumor has shrunk significantly, to the extent the MRI reading referred to it as a scab and NED anywhere else in my body. My doctor still believes there may be something left of the tumor, and their protocol for this type of cancer is to administer first the chemo/radiation and afterwards, with chemo therapy. Something they are very proud of, since earlier methodology was to remove the anus after Chemo/radiation. So, for the benefit of everyone involved, I've agreed to continue with the second phase of their protocol. (Hard to imagine this was the only option for people with my type of cancer 10 years ago.)
I'm completely symptom free at this point in time, no blood and no irritation that I was experiencing prior to starting the protocol and Chemo/Radiation. I'm feeling better than I have in some time and am quite confident the FenBen has helped shrink the enlarged lymph node and prevented any other metastasis from forming.
I'll update my status as time goes by and would appreciate any feedback from others with similar condition.
That would be great news. My fear was that the tumor was not in the body cavity, being constantly bathed by fenbendazole before it is metabolized. I even played with the idea of inserting the FenBen directly into my anus, since the tumor was so close to the opening. Bizarre idea maybe, but it's still on the table for me.
The store "Healthy Drops " has a liposomal fenbendazole. Check out liposomal products.happy healing store has a "fen Ben bio " that supposedly is more absorbable even without fats although I would definitely take it with fats or olive oil . I've heard of people using medical grade DMSO to make things more absorbable. You could probably make a suppository. I know people do rectal ozone therapy.
Thanks Peter. You and a couple others on this platform convinced me to try the rectal suppository.
Your welcome ! I have also ordered ivermectin , Mebendazole ( about 40 cents for 100 mg pill) and other things from all day chemist in India it takes a couple of weeks to get to the US. Low dose naltrexone or LDN is the immuno booster and immunomodulator. You can get a script for it through a televisit - it has been used for decades to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases
When I tried to order ivermectin, all day chemist website asks for a dr prescription!!
I have a couple thousand Ivermectin pills from India from two different sources and believe this product is factory made to high standards. Every pack is stamped and labeled by machine. No reason to believe otherwise.
Started back up w/ another 2 wks of Chemo. Pills and an infusion, 2 weeks on and one week off. After two rounds, I started having severe side effects and have elected to stop treatment and do another round of Stack Tests while I heal. I started injecting the liquid Fenben, 5 ML with 1 ML of olive oil, daily. This bypasses the digestive process and because the tumor is near the anal opening, I liken the scenario to a living petri dish. Peer reviewed studies in the USA show that Fenbendazole, when applied directly to living cancer cells is devastating to them. So, I have the fenbendazole bypassing my digestive system entirely, at around 400 to 450 MG per dose. A little of the FenBen sticks to the utinsels used to prepare the mix. Nothing to lose at this point and I'm happy to report, no side effects.
I believe so. Second set of Stack tests came in negative for any metastatic tumors elsewhere.
A fenbendazole suppository. That is an interesting idea.
Roelm2, if you get the chance look up a book on Amazon called "The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3". It is very informative. You can take extremely high doses as long as it is accompanied by K2. I've been taking 50,000 mg a day for almost two years with no ill effects. My levels are very high as you can imagine, but the author goes into what those high doses per day can actually do for your immune system. There is also a second book you might choose to read also called "How Not To Die With True High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy". Just an FYI
I'm taking 3,000 mg/day, which may be a little low based on what I'm reading here.
Or, stay the course that you appear to be successfully following.
I have not. I may but they seem pretty set in their ways and based on what I've read from others, they tend to discount your input. We'll see.
This is great news. So many success stories. Thank you for your contribution