This is the protocol for my cancer warriors used forprostate cancer. for a smoker and have COPD.

Panacur oral suspension - started at 2.2ml which equals 222mg of active fenbendazole. Gradually worked up to around 8ml taken twice a day (16ml in total which equals 1600mg of fenbendazole).

30mg of CBD oil taken once daily before bed.

600mg of turmeric taken in capsule form once a day (safe to use if you're not on any blood thinners). The Joe Tippens protocol does recommend 600mg of Turmeric taken twice a day.

Vitamin C - approx 4000mg daily as magnesium ascorbate (this form is much better tolerated and less likely to cause loose stools which you will likely get with 4000mg of ascorbic acid vitamin C) Start at a lower dose and work up to 4000mg.

Berberis Vulgaris tincture - taken in drops (15 drops up to 3 times a day). This is a natural form of berberine which also blocks other sugar pathways that are said to feed cancer cells.

Cayenne Pepper - Used in spice form, dosage went from half a teaspoon initially and worked up to 1 teaspoon daily mixed in water.

Tudca is also highly recommended to support the liver, 500 mg 1-2 x daily. My relative used freshly picked home made stinging nettle tea. (If anyone would like more information on how to make and store a weeks worth of this nettle tea please just let me know).

After a few months some tumours were resolving whilst others appeared to have grown and the following scans showed continued improvements. All tumours had resolved after 15 months. No conventional medicine was used.

you can get this medication bypassing prescription from


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Thank you..

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I am taking care of my father who has advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). He has exhausted all of the “standard of care” options and is now on immunotherapy as a last resort. Tumor markers keep climbing and they have nothing else to offer.

I am desperate and have been looking into these alternative options. My main concern is this mention of liver damage considering he has liver cancer. I’ve looked but don’t see any “case studies” here for HCC. Does anyone have anecdotal data to share/know where I might look for this info?

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Also take milk thistle (silymarin) it does wonders for liver health.

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I'm not a Dr, and I don't have antecdotal data but I do read alot of papers on antiparasitics and cancers, viruses, etc.. Ivermectin may also be worth looking into for your father. If your worried about possible damage to his liver, milk thistle has protective properties for the liver and kills cancer too. There are people that had stage IV cancers who are now in remission from taking it.

Aged garlic could also protect from ill effects while taking higher doses of ivermectin for terminal cancers. Dr. Makis is an oncologist from Canada that has mentioned doses to take for both fenbendazole and ivermectin. https://makismd.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-cancer-part-2-treating




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Thank you for your kind response, I am looking into a protocol for him and this is so helpful ❤️

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This study paper actually tells how ivermectin kills HCC cells and works synergistically with a certain cancer treatment. Maybe a few of these links can help if shown to your father's Dr..especially this one... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9107598/

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I found this article about ivermectin helps with liver fibrosis after I commented. Ivermectin is a wonder drug. Hope these articles help


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There are several case reports where the liver was involved by metastatic spread. There are also unpublished case reports showing fenbendazole effectiveness with HCC. The concern regarding liver toxicity may be unfounded. In some instances liver enzymes AST and ALT may rise with initial fenben use however they typically normalize as the cancer is eradicated. The enzyme changes are indicative of increased hepatic activity required to remove the dead cancer cellular debris from the bloodstream. At some level the elevated enzymes are a measure that fenben is “working.”

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Thanks for this information. In the “Cancer Care” manual linked in the Dr. Marik article, he mentions itraconazole as a “tier 1” treatment. I haven’t seen that mentioned but it seems to be in the same family as fenbendazole as an anti-fungal(?) Has anyone seen this mentioned in successful protocols?

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Hope all is well. Missing your posts.

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Has Fenbenzadole, ivermectin etc. been helpful for Essential thrombocytosis?

....Any success stories from people out there??


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I have not seen any new case reports in a few months or so. I guess that means there have not been any. Unless it means something is going on with this site. Or something wrong on my end? Hopefully Ben is OK.

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New Case Reports coming. We’re trying to feature cancers not previously covered. Plus follow-ups on all the previous Case Reports, checking in with a ‘How are you doing?’ And we’ve worked for weeks on an interesting paper dealing with a potential remedy for traditional chemotherapy-induced starvation called cachexia.

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I was thinking about this site for the past couple of days since I haven't seen a post from you. Looking forward to seeing new content. Happy to hear you're okay and working on more content. You've probably helped many by publishing this information and that's admirable.

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Yay! Glad to hear this! I look forward to reading all of it!

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For those taking FenBen to eradicate cancer, it might be worthwhile to visit FLCCC.net as they are running an observational study on the use of “repurposed drugs” in the treatment of cancer. Although they recommend menbendazole over fenbendazole, they do so as they are working within the “system”. They do, however, promote the patient as the ultimate decision-maker. The point is they are looking for a CURE, and not simply treatments to prolong life whilst milking your assets.

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My fenbendazole rules.

Take on an empty stomach along with a teaspoon of olive or other vegetable oil. I use black seed oil. I stir 1/5 teaspoon of fenbedazole powder into it. It looks thick and milky. Spoon it into my mouth. Then use my index finger to get any that remains in the teacup.

Since D3 is also oil based, at the same time I take 2x 10000iu D3 gel capsules. 20000 D3 daily is high dose. I take magnesium glycinate later in the day, along Jarrow MSM and sodium ascorbate/ The magnesium to conteract the calcium precipitation problems of high dose D3. Jarrow MSM is actually OptiMSM and much better n stronger than normal MSM.


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Agree with all of the above👍

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Would this drug be useful in breast cancer cases?

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Please watch for interesting talk by breast cancer surgeon, including breast cancer virus, promising treatment and current observational study.

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UPDATE: RE Petdazole & Petmectin from VIREX HEALTH (via 2nd smartest guy in the world substack)

I will give credit where credit is due. I contacted Virex re their return policy. They said I could ret any unopened product. Thank you, God! I promptly sent back 2 boxes of petdazole (supposedly FB), and they have credited my cc for $159.90.

BUT: I researched to see if there was the customary stamp of the manufacturer and pharmacy; there was not, not for the petdazole; however for the petmectin (supposedly Ivermectin), there was, as well as a marketing firm, both India co's. and reputable one's, well known, esp. the marketing co which also manufactures pharmaceuticals. So the IVM is probably ok (but very expensive) as petmectin.

However, re the Petdazole, I could find NOTHING on the box, on the little pill foil packets nor on the pills themselves referencing any pharma co or manufacturing, AND they very bogusly stamped on their foil containers "HB" with some numbers. I looked it up, it was a BILL (not even a law) in Canada for accessibility and affordability of pharmaceuticals. WTH?! What does that have to do with anything pertaining to the source and quality assurance of this drug?! So I personally would not trust this Petdazole product!


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Hey Ben Fen, Are you doing okay? Haven't seen you around and unless I'm mistaken, no new posts since March... Also, you had mentioned doing a rebuttal to that attack article against FB and even against you and this substack specifically. How is that coming along?

Hope all is well!


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Reiterating a question I posed elsewhere: Has anyone else been having abdominal pain and bloating from Fenben? The research says this occurs in 1-10% of those using Meben. I can't seem to handle 444mg, sadly (Abdominal pain @5-7, bloat @7-9). I do relatively well with 222mg caps of the FB from Fenben labs... The meben caps at 200 or 300 seemed to cause more upset, but that could be more the tablet form... Once I stabilize, I'll experiment with that again. Anyway, it's so discouraging. I want to kick butt on my brain meningioma, but I have to take baby steps with the FB!! GRRR!

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Most writers here have options to "Follow or Subscribe" it seems here it's Subscribe or not. Is it just me?

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There are writers here who permit others to follow for Free.

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Everything is free in this Substack.

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The more I learn about "Natural Cures" the more disgusted I get with Modern Medicine. It blows my mind that so many people could be so greedy and deceptive as to charge literally 1000X for bullshit that they know doesn't work. Especially when many of them, supposedly "Educated" doctors should know these things. How is it that ordinary people are able to arrive at solutions on their own research even while doctors are eyeballs deep in never ending deception. It's as if all Western Medicine trained doctors are trained in "Deceptive Practice" for profit. Business as usual in a very corrupt EVIL world where it seems to be kill or be killed. FRAUDS be damned.

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Amen brother!☠️

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Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this part of your story with me, with us. Of course sad you have had to go through any of this, and also proud of you for being persistent and resourceful in going after the alternatives, doing your own research and adjusting things accordingly. This additional info is very helpful as my husband and I have begun engaging with our integrative Dr.

It is very alarming that a cancer in front of the prostate would be undetectable by DRE. Wow. We are attempting to get the ball rolling on the "Free PSA & T3MRI."

It's so good you're introducing FB and IVM when it's at stage 1. I am curious: the highest dose I've heard of FB prior to this, was 888mg, and that was for the very aggressive glioblastoma case shared here by that young man, whose tumor shrunk drastically to almost being completely gone. How did you come to using 1776, 8x 222mg? That sounds concerning to me. But I hear you've reduced to 444 due to higher end ALT (liver enzymes, right?).

My husband is currently on 24 mg IVM, which has been shown to at least stall out some cancers, not sure if IVM has potential to prevent. He was on 222mg FB, BUT his liver enzymes went up to 111! We are not sure it is the FB, (my liver panels came out great, and I've been on 222-444 depending on what my stomach can tolerate), but our Dr recommended dropping the FB until 1 mo after that lab (and yes we use labcorp). So, two wks to go. Makes me nervous his not being on FB right now while we're trying to figure out exactly what is going on with his prostate. Symptoms are getting a bit worse at times and he and I both don't like Flomax. Usually 1x/day works with 2x/day once per week, but he's had to increase the latter to twice a day 2x/wk, along with his 1x/day the other days.

Thank you for your prayers, Lou! We will be praying for you also and for a remarkable report in August!


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