sources mentioned from India seem to require prescription. any non-prescription sources? also, interested in source material regarding fen Ben and ivermectin ability to cross blood brain barrier, thanks

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Will fenbendazole treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)?

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I am looking for trustworthy companies that sell fenben and ivermecton out of India. The costs of these drugs are too high in the USA for the masses of people who are now sick from the jab or have cancer. I am under the impression that sometimes these products are offered at 10 to 30 cents per pill.. which is much more affordable for people in India, and American's as well who are quickly becoming impoverished. If in your research, Ben Fen, you ever finds reputable Indian pharmacies please post on it. I recently ordered Ivermectin from Bull https://www.bullpharmachem.com/ in India.. they claim to be approved by the FLCCC and I am trying to verify this but no reply from FLCCC so far. I paid 20 cents per pill. We are told that there are scammer out there. I would like to know of a place that can verify the content of the pills I purchased as well. Do you know of any lab that can do this?

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Here's a link for Fenben. MSD Animal Health is a Merck & Co company focused on veterinary medicines: https://animeal.in/products/panacure-150-vet-tablet-10tab?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=6aa3c0c8e&pr_rec_pid=7195551399997&pr_ref_pid=7195551498301&pr_seq=uniform

The actual medicine is manufactured by a contract manufacturer named Medibios Laboratories Limited.

A pack of 10 tablets costs 70 cents.

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I have long believed that most people have worms because the worms need a place to live, too.

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Do they live in an apartment or a house @ if so what is their rent or mortgage ?

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Flukes. Research that. Cause cancer.

Bile ducts. Liver.

They grow and reside mutating cells. All known research.

Wormwood. Cloves. Garlic. Onions. Many herbs treat worms, parasites. We all have them. To what extent is the question and how treatment is given.

Ivermectin is an anti parasitic. What is COVID???

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I am a 55yr young Canadian woman and I remember my mother giving us, as young children approximately 1970s, a dark red pill crushed in a spoon mixed in peanut butter. She said it was for worms. In mid 1990s when my son was a young child, I asked his doctor for deworming meds. Her indoctrinated response was, WHY?? And then, “he doesn’t need this unless he has serious health issues caused by worms”. As a young innocent mother; I trusted the “EXPERTS”…..

To my dismay; I also listened to their brainwashed protocols of vaxing children. I feel sick inside when I remember all those vaxes my son was given as a child and then throughout high school 💔😢😔 NEVER,,,if I could go back in time.

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Yes it is sickening. We can’t change the past but we can spread what we know and change the future👍

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There us a laundry list of symptoms from parasite infection.If doctors never treat the parasites they can treat the symptoms for years, or at least until the patient dies.

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Indian diet is loaded with sugar.

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Hello does anyone know if these treatments are good for endometrial cancer?

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I have seen a couple of testimonials that fenben helped endometrial cancer. go to www.mycancrrstory.rocks and read the blog, pick up the password to join my cancer story rocks fB group.

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Cancer cells " feed" on sugars and North American diets are high in sugars and another cancer prevention is exercise and again our lifestyle is much more sedentary. It is likely not just one simple explanation as to our differences.

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What is dosage protocol for fenben for a 55# dog? I believe 50 or 60 gram for 3 days? How often and how long can it be administered? Need help for my poor pup with oral cancer.

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How is your dog? Any encouraging news? I hope so for your sake, i also have a friend with a 6 year old cat (kitten in my mind) with 2 kinds of oral cancer. I would like to encourage them if you had good results. Either way, you are in my prayers, a sick family member (pets included) is very stressful.

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I’m still treating her daily with Panacur. She’s gained weight, not sure if that’s a side effect or not. Other than that, she’s still playful and eats well. She does Yelp if she bumps that side of her jaw. Still hopeful. Planning to take her in for her annual soon and will ask for new X-rays to see if the tumor has changed. Other than her breath, Judy by looking at her, you wouldn’t think there was anything wrong with her.

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Beth S, did you ever get an answer or figure it out? Is your dog OK? The DEWORMING dose for Safeguard brand for 50 lb dogs is 5 grams( which = 5000 mg) per day X 3 days. Since these granules are 22.2% Fenbendazole, that would be 5000 mg x 22.2% = 1110 mg of Fenben per day for THREE DAYS. Just as you had figured. But, that is a deworming dose meant to end the worm problem in 3 days. It is any ones guess as to what a long term anti cancer dose would be. However, Joe Tippens weighed about 110 lb when he started taking Fenben at a dose of 222 mg per day. 3 days on, 4 off. (he no longer thinks the 4 off are needed) I bet your dog could take 1/2 of that amount long term (110 mg per day, or about 1/2 of the lowest dose Safeguard 1 gram package) I bet starting with a deworming dose for 3 days would do quite a number on cancer. Then, maybe take a few days or weeks off and start back with a lower maintenance dose of 110 mg ( or 222 mg?) per day. That sounds to me likey to help, but who knows?

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I have been treating my pet (@ 53-55 lbs) with Ivermectin paste (a fingertip full) and Panacur C granules aka Fenbendazole (5 grams/day). I alternate between the two. I've also been giving both pets krill chews, Vitality Mushrooms for dogs and a CBD Hemp oil. I also recently purchased Curcumin 95. Have not been as constant with that.

Our dog is still able to eat okay (I soften her food), she's playful and acts fine. Her breath is atrocious (lol). I guess time will tell. I feel the swelling has gone down, but don't think we're completely out of the woods. Thanks for reaching out.

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Dear Ben Fen, First, thank you for your help and knowledge! Do you have a dosage protocol for fenben for people trying to prevent cancer? With all of the cancer promoters in the shot, I think there are going to be a lot of people, including myself, who would benefit. Thank you!

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I wonder what ‘clearly, it does not prevent all cancers,’ means? Is there any clear data as to which cancers FenBen addresses and which it does not? I have a loved one currently experiencing breast cancer metastasis. We have high hopes for FenBen. How much hope should we have?

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i think if you click on the dataset link posted above, it might break down which cancers are more likely to occur in india allowing you to start a theory on which might be less responsive to the bi-annual deworming.

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Our life and death are in God’s hands…He decides. If you’re in Christ then your hope will and can be infinite.

Just FYI, make sure her bowels are functioning properly…if she’s strong enough consider a round of colonics…constipation is a huge issue resulting from chemo and conventional therapies…my mom died of met TNBC…we hadn’t learned about FenBen yet and if anyone knew, they didn’t tell us…she suffered unimaginably…dr. Kevin Conners (Conners Clinic) in Minneapolis, MN has the protocol on his website.

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This case report covers breast cancer. She is still cancer free 2 years later. https://open.substack.com/pub/fenbendazole/p/fenbendazole-can-cure-cancer?r=oh1g6&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Thank you so much for this brilliant collection of research on fenben.

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Interesting article. I’ve known about Ivermectin and HCQ, but next to nothing about fenbendazole. Do you have a good reference for how a novice like me could begin a deworming/parasite cleanse?

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I have CLL - chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I haven’t seen any posts for this type of cancer cure using this protocol. Does anyone know if this works for ALL cancers? I had chemo 7 years ago and my lymph nodes are again showing signs of enlarging. I ordered this product and will begin taking it but would like to know if anyone else has any knowledge of it’s range regarding all cancers. Thank you so much…..

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Any change treating with fenbendazole?

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