We hope you are finding the Case Reports and Articles regarding fenbendazole and cancer useful.
We literally have hundreds of Case Reports from those of you who have eradicated your various cancers with fenbendazole. Congratulations! That’s wonderful. However, many of those reports need more detail to be truly helpful and serve as guidance to others.
If you are ready to tell your story, or a loved one’s, including your pets, we’d love to publish it here. Below are a number of questions that will help guide your submission. However you want to submit your information is up to you, if you want to tell your story in a more narrative format then have us follow up with some specific questions that works too.
As a general guideline please consider the following questions when submitting your story. With all answers try to establish a timeline of what happened when.
Age, sex, height/weight.
Exact Diagnosis. Year of diagnosis and tests used to make definitive cancer diagnosis.
Prognosis. What did your doctor tell you to expect?
Treatments. What treatments did you try before going to fenbendazole? That is, did you try traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation first.
How did you self-treat with fenbendazole? Dosage and schedule. Did you take it with olive oil, butter, yogurt, peanut butter or something else, or not with any other substance in particular?
What was the brand name and type (powder, pill, liquid) of fenbendazole used?
Other treatments used before or during fenbendazole use?
When did you first notice that fenbendazole was having an effect? Did you start to feel better, symptoms decrease, etc.? What diagnostic tests were used to confirm the results; blood tests, imaging?
Do you have any images or results to share? (We’ll obliterate any identifying information.) Before and after imaging (PET scan, MRI, CT) would be ideal.
Any idea what may have caused your cancer? Genetics, lifestyle, environmental toxins?
Did you have any noticable side effects that you could attribute to fenbendazole?
Did you tell your doctor about fenben, either while you were self-treating or afterwards? What was their response?
Are you continuing to take fenben? If so, dosage and protocol.
Did you get any covid shots or boosters prior to developing this cancer?
Anything else you’d like to add that you feel is important for people to know about your experience using fenbendazole?
When you tell others about how fenben helped you what is their reaction?
We look forward to hearing about your experiences self-treating cancer with fenbendazole.
Please send your responses to fenbendazole77@gmail.com or myfenbendazole@proton.me. We’ll acknowledge that we’ve received it and follow up with questions if necessary.
Ivermectin and fenbendazole need to be made as over the counter for humans as they are for animals.
My husband is taking it with IVM for bladder cancer. Early days snd early caught so I will be putting in reports. Thanks for the submission info.